
This project supports the Dominican authorities, at both local and national levels, in their engagement in transformational actions for a more sustainable urban mobility. It will continue the ongoing LACIF support in the sector, preparing mass transport infrastructure projects, particularly through the completion of detailed technical studies and studies on institutional and financial structuring. Besides metro and cable car projects, the Dominican Republic has limited experience with projects on other modes (BRT, tramway) and PPP structuring. Therefore, it is important for the development of these new transport projects, considering gender equality and the disability dimension in terms of benefits and risks, needs, constraints and differential access. This technical cooperation is also associated with a project to increase the capacity of line 2 of the Santo Domingo metro, financed by an AFD loan. The project enhances the capacities of:
- INTRANT (National Institute for Tr...
Dates: Apr/2025 - Mar/2031 | Status: | Countries: Dominican Republic
This project aims to provide information, data and recommendations to establish the basis for a set of public policies and the formulation of investment projects that allow the development of telecommunications infrastructure in peri-urban, rural and hard-to-reach areas in Colombia, which require government support to develop sustainable and inclusive programmes.
CAF is conducting a study to measure the connectivity gap, complemented by LACIF funds to structure pilots benefiting the most vulnerable and remote populations. The contribution from the European Union supports:
- Workshops in 10 departments of the country to advance with local actors in potential proposals for implementation projects.
- Structuring projects feasibility based on the results of the workshops, including Environmental and Social Impact Assessment studies.
- Implementation of at least 4 pilots to test new technologies, business cases and meaningful connectivity strategies in 4 territ...
Dates: Feb/2025 - Feb/2027 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Colombia
This CAF-led project aims to modernize communications, digital infrastructure, and related services in a manner that promotes greater robustness, scalability, interoperability, efficiency, and security in Trinidad and Tobago. LACIF is supporting the first stages of implementation of the Interoperability Platform, an e-ID program, and a Government Data Center.
The project proposes a hybrid solution that will integrate its own Data Centre with cloud infrastructure and with other carefully selected private sector cloud infrastructure to optimize the provision of public services, the digitization of the State, and meet current and future demands for IT services. It aligns with the EU’s Global Gateway broader connectivity strategy, helping Trinidad and Tobago to improve digital inclusion and to further integrate into the global digital ecosystem. Knowledge-sharing activities with other CARICOM countries are also foreseen, contributing to regional integration and innovation.
...Dates: Feb/2025 - Feb/2027 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Trinidad & Tobago

Kuali Fund aims to transform Latin American and Caribbean countries into low-carbon and resilient economies by fostering systemic adoption of climate best practices by small financial institutions, including small banks, Microfinance Institutions, cooperatives, other non-bank financial institutions and FinTech companies. Kuali will support them in their transition to become greener and more inclusive so that they eventually provide green products to Small and Medium Enterprises and to smallholder farmers.
The European Union and the Green Climate Fund contributions are key to mobilize private investors’ participation by reducing their exposure to the perceived risk of the SME and smallholder farmer’s sector. Kuali will make use of debt-like investments, equity, mezzanine investments and growth-capital equity investments.
The impact of the Fund’s investments will be maximized with the support of a Technical Assistance Facility, helping to support the investees in the...
Dates: Dec/2024 - Dec/2034 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Dominican Republic, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru

This AECID-led project aims to increase water and sanitation services in Bolivia, one of the worst served countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. According to 2022 data, drinking water coverage reached 87.5% of the population, but only 69.4% in rural areas. Similarly, sanitation coverage was available to 64% of the population, but only to 45.6% of those living in rural areas. Wastewater treatment for municipalities was available only in 91 municipalities under 20,000 inhabitants, of which only 50% were functioning properly, representing only 14% of the population living in such areas. As these data show, Bolivia faces a great challenge to provide access to safe drinking water and sanitation, particularly in rural areas and in municipalities under 20,000 inhabitants, impacting health, the environment and the overall economy of the country.
In this context, the project aims to improve the living conditions of the population living in small and intermediate cities in Bolivi...
Dates: Dec/2024 - Dec/2029 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Bolivia
This project led by COFIDES addresses Guatemala’s needs to promote financial inclusion and accelerate a just green transition and an Inclusive Digital Transformation, while creating local added value and promoting growth, employment and quality jobs, financial inclusion and social cohesion in the MSME’s Finance and GreenTech sector.
The project promotes the development of the Guatemalan MSMEs ecosystem - especially microenterprises and Small and Growing Businesses - from a green and digital transition perspective to catalyze innovative proposals at scale and foster innovation. The action extends to the entire Guatemalan territory, but special attention is given to the municipalities of the Motagua River Basin and the department of Petén. Moreover, the project will specifically focus on supporting women-led enterprises.
Dates: Dec/2024 - Nov/2029 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Guatemala
This project fosters digitalization of firms and government services in order to promote growth and increase efficiency in Belize’s economy. Digitalalization improves the business and innovation climate for MSMEs, stimulating competitiveness, economic diversification and growth.
The European Union's contribution that complements an IDB loan focuses on stimulating private sector investment in digital and green transformation and supporting gender specific projects. This technical assistance promotes firms’ growth and efficiency through increased adoption of digital solutions, especially for women led firms, and reduces costs for citizens through the digitalization of civil registration services.
Dates: Dec/2024 - Dec/2028 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Belize

The mining sector plays a critical role in the global energy transition by providing the minerals and metals required by clean energy technologies, leading to a new surge in mining activities in Latin America and the Caribbean, home to some of the world’s largest reserves of copper, lithium, rare earth elements, aluminum, nickel, iron ore, zinc, and many others.
Although mining is a major driver of economic growth and employment for many Latin American and Caribbean countries, these activities have also been associated with environmental and social challenges, often exacerbated by inadequate regulatory frameworks, weak institutional capacity, infrastructure gaps, poor leveraging of local value chains, and insufficient investment in environmental and social management.
This IDB-led project enables mineral-rich countries in Latin America to foster enabling conditions for responsible investments to develop critical minerals and their value chains and addressing environmen...
Dates: Dec/2024 - Dec/2029 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador

The project aims to scale up the market for green finance in the Caribbean, helping the region’s economies transition to a more sustainable mode of operation aligned with the Global Gateway Investment Agenda.
The Facility supports small scale climate action and environmental sustainability investments, promoted primarily by MSMEs, and intermediated by public sector development banks or bodies and micro-finance institutions.
Those MSME-relevant green investments include (but are not limited to) energy efficiency improvements, integrated renewable energy and energy-efficient solutions such as solar control films, cool roofs, solar PV rooftop installations, LED lighting retrofits in commercial buildings, hotels, restaurant or other tourist establishments, wind and solar renewable power, eligible activities to turn Sargassum algae into an economic opportunity, and other projects contributing to GHG emission reduction and environmental sustainability.
The LACIF-financ...
Dates: Dec/2024 - Dec/2032 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint-Vincent and the Grenadines, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago
Support Project for the Finlay Institute of Vaccines (FIV) for the Production of Meningitis Vaccines

The project, implemented in partnership with AFD and KfW, aims to improve the quality standards of Cuba's Finlay Vaccine Institute (FVI) production and increase its production capacities, including vaccines against meningitis (meningococcal and pneumococcal) with a focus on the carbon footprint of vaccines manufacturing.
This action improves the number, availability and accessibility of FVI vaccines to meet national demand, but also the needs of low and middle-income countries in Latin America and the Caribbean and third regions, notably via multilateral channels as WHO, PAHO and UNICEF, thus strengthening Cuban and Latin America health security in order to limit the impact of future major health crisis.
The project also contributes to the modernization of the biotechnology sector to increase liquidities in foreign currency and support investment in Cuba to secure economic growth and foster decent employment opportunities for the Cuban population. This support will also ...
Dates: Jul/2024 - Jul/2027 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Cuba

Ecuador is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world and due to the diversity of its indigenous nations, it also presents a rich field of experimentation for the development of economic and social models aimed at meeting the needs of the population in a sustainable, inclusive, competitive and resilient manner, while preserving and protecting its natural environment.
The present project, implemented by AFD, strengthens the bioeconomy market through access to finance for bioentrepreneurs, and the marketing of bioeconomy value chains, promoting national and international trade of products with high environmental, climate and social quality. In particular, the project aims at valorizing bioeconomy Ecuadorian products by:
- consolidating bioeconomy value chains and improving access to financing for producers in collaboration with cooperative networks, with a focus on the financing of female producers or entrepreneurs
- improving post-production processes (pro...
Dates: Jul/2024 - Jan/2030 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Ecuador

Paramaribo’s historic center was designated by the UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 2002. Developed during the 16th and 17th centuries, it is considered an exceptional example of the fusion of European and indigenous South American culture, architecture, and construction techniques. This concentration of historical and cultural heritage buildings, monuments, and urban sites endows the area with the potential to lead the city’s sustainable development.
However, the iconic site is in urgent need of protection against increased flooding caused by climate change. Flooding from the Suriname river occurs as sea level rises during spring tide, during tropical storms, and by the rainfall-induced accumulation of water. The frequency as well as the intensity and extent of flooding are expected to considerably increase, and the economic losses associated with a single flooding event with a 100-year return period are estimated at US$ 125 million. The reconstruction of a 220-meter-lo...
Dates: Apr/2024 - Apr/2026 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Suriname

This project aims to promote the renewable hydrogen market in Chile, foster local supply chains and strengthen the potential for renewable hydrogen exports to Europe, while considering the importance of a just energy transition.
The support of the Global Gateway Renewable Hydrogen Funding Platform for Chile is designed to channel private sector funding to allow for the required financing for the first renewable hydrogen projects at industrial scale and favour the necessary cost reduction in the sector. This platform is a joint effort of the European Commission together with KfW and EIB.
Renewable hydrogen has been identified by the European Commission as a key enabler to transition to climate neutrality. Its future demands in the European Union will require the creation of global markets to import large volumes of renewable hydrogen from countries able to meet high economic attractiveness and sustainability targets set by the EU. Therefore, the development of a ren...
Dates: Dec/2023 - Dec/2028 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Chile

The project aims to support the Caribbean region in its adaptation to climate change and its low carbon transition through the integration of climate-risks in the financial systems regulation and supervision activities and the financing of climate public investments. This project implemented by AFD:
Supports three of the main central banks of the Caribbean region (the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank, the Bank of Jamaica and the Central Bank of Dominican Republic) to integrate climate-related risks in their regulation and supervision activities. Activities are based on the actions promoted by the Network for Greening the Financial System.
Supports the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) to promote the financing of adaptation and mitigation investments with a gender lens. Some of the pre-identified activities within CDB are:
- Establishment of a regional gender research fund to support CDB’s gender strategy;
- Establis...
Dates: Dec/2023 - Dec/2028 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint-Vincent and the Grenadines, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago

This project improves healthcare provision in Barbados´ principal acute care medical facility, the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, which currently has 519 beds and 2,400 staff. The Accident and Emergency Department delivers emergency care to about 45,000 patients per year, and the Radiology and Medical Imaging Department receives an average of 50,000 requests and referrals per year.
The digitalisation project of the Hospital improves governance standards, data quality and interoperability of protocols, integrates health information systems and strengthens capacity building. This transformation improves the quality of clinical services by providing safe, effective, timely and integrated patient-centered care benefitting 45,000 patients per year, while increasing staff satisfaction as well. The project is implemented by IDB.
Dates: Jun/2023 - Jan/2026 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Barbados

The project aims to strengthen the Bahamas Health System by enhancing the capacity of primary healthcare to deliver accessible and high-quality services. This is to be achieved through the construction of two new facilities, the retrofitting of four existing ones, and the procurement and upgrade of medical equipment. It particularly facilitates access and improved services to approximately 70,000 people living in twelve Family Islands and the retrofitting of the National Reference Laboratory to benefit 220,000 people.
The project, implemented by IDB, introduces digital health information systems in 54 clinics which improves quality healthcare for at least 157,000 persons, that is, 40% of The Bahamas population. The project is aligned with the Ministry of Health and Wellness current priority to improve the Health System after COVID 19.
Dates: Mar/2023 - Apr/2027 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Bahamas

The programme aims to improve public urban transport and non-motorised systems (walking and cycling) in Latin America´s main cities helping each country achieve its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the Paris Agreement commitments, lowering Greenhouse Gas emissions and mitigating climate change impacts.
By providing a clear linkage between investment, project development and NDC targets, the programme creates a working pipeline of projects, which leads to more effective and sustainable efforts in the development of a portfolio of sustainable transport projects.
The programme, implemented by KfW and co-implemented by CAF, also fosters a regional dialogue forum to improve relevance and implementation of the international policy framework. This allows for knowledge exchange between the countries and increases visibility and adherence to the Paris Agreement commitments.
Dates: Dec/2022 - Dec/2027 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama

This programme addresses the multitude of challenges faced by the water sector in the Caribbean, including the lack of asset management strategies, lack of adequate maintenance, high energy costs, inadequate waste-water treatment capacity and lack of water storage capacity. Climate change is also leading to extreme weather events and unpredictable water availability in the region, while pollution and over-fishing also affect the health of many of its ocean ecosystems which need to be tackled in a comprehensive manner.
EU and EIB are investing in security of water supply, wastewater collection and treatment, storm-water management and solid waste management, which contributes to water resources conservation, disaster risk reduction and protection of biodiversity.
Dates: Jul/2022 - Jan/2030 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint-Vincent and the Grenadines, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago

The project implemented by the EU and IDB seeks to revitalize the urban, economic and cultural aspects of the Colonial City of Santo Domingo. While the Dominican Republic is one of the main tourist destinations in the region and the Colonial City of Santo Domingo is a strategic axis of tourism and urban development, it is also characterised by marginalised and segregated households, with a high presence of low-income families, and high degrees of urban spatial degradation. Nevertheless, it has the potential to become a world-renowned tourist attraction by investing in areas such as transport and mobility, spatial planning and land, housing and habitat, security, and fiscal and institutional capacity, which would in turn diversify tourism in the Dominican Republic and contribute to the economic growth and social well-being of Dominicans.
This project is developing a sustainable urban mobility plan, including an electromobility pilot project, and a housing improvement programme,...
Dates: Apr/2022 - Nov/2025 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Dominican Republic

Over the past decades, Jamaica has experienced low levels of economic growth – less than 1% yearly average – and debt levels to GDP ratios of over 100%. As the COVID-19 pandemic proved its devastating impact on economy, tackling health security issues and the need for availability and access to water, sanitation, and hygiene are thus of utmost importance to boost the country’s entrepreneurship.
Through LACIF, the EU spearheads a collective initiative by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Development Bank of Jamaica (DBJ), supporting the Jamaican government to undertake specific economic measures, such as the provision of grants and support to the most affected. The project translates into a total investment of 28.695.000 euros to promote inclusive growth and productivity by fostering innovation in the private sector. It also carries a strong gender-responsive component, since Jamaican women played a disproportionate role in responding to the pandemic and t...
Dates: Feb/2022 - Feb/2027 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Jamaica

The EU is mobilising resources through LACIF, IDB and AECID to respond to the challenges faced by Colombia's General System of Social Security, which include factors such as the ageing population, chronic diseases and high-cost treatments and other specific factors that threaten its financial stability. These factors range from limited funding in a context of increasing demand for new affiliates and expensive technology, to a fragmented service model with deficiencies in primary care services, health promotion and disease prevention programming; and the recent waves of Venezuelan migrants without health insurance, who receive expensive emergency medical care.
The project supports the Government of Colombia in improving the country’s institutional capacities in health planning and management at the territorial level. It also serves to better the health outcomes of migrants and host communities by increasing the coverage of affiliation to the SGSSS and improving the country’...
Dates: Dec/2021 - Jul/2026 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Colombia

The COVID-19 pandemic brought to light how fragile the health system in Peru is. Large and sudden inflows of Venezuelan migrants/displaced persons in recent years reinforced the pressure on Peru’s health system, ill-adapted to challenges caused by the demographic and epidemiological transition and increased non-communicable diseases.
In the framework of LACIF, the EU has partnered up with AFD, AECID and IDB, through a contribution of 7.392.000 euros, to improve the offer of health care facilities in Lima Norte (Peru). The project provides better access to essential health services by the most vulnerable segments of the population, including migrants/displaced persons and refugees.
To achieve this, the project is divided into three main components:
Dates: Dec/2021 - Feb/2025 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Peru

With more than 2 million people, the Metropolitan Area of Asuncion (MMA) is the most populated area in Paraguay, with only 30% of the population having access to a sewage network. This means that most of the Paraguayan population suffers from poor sanitary conditions and serious health issues.
In the framework of LACIF, the EU, AECID and IDB have come together with a total investment of over 161 million euros to support the Paraguayan government in addressing how essential water and sanitation services are considering the impact of the COVID 19 crisis. This high-priority project is set to build the capacities of the Paraguayan government to find sustainable solutions for people living in vulnerable conditions regarding water resources and services and adaptation to climate change.
The project has three components:
Dates: Dec/2021 - Dec/2027 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Paraguay

This project aims to set up a Regional Fund to provide Central American Integration System (SICA) countries with funds to run projects that both address and prevent natural disasters.
The EU is partnering with CABEI towards the setup of a Regional Fund to fight the region's vulnerability to climate change. These investments contribute to the mitigation of the impact by extreme events, while improving capacity to deal with climate change. For these reasons, the Fund serves as a catalyst to ensure focused action is maintained at national and international levels.
More specifically, the Fund aims to help build SICA countries’ capacities in the development of viable climate change projects by providing technical assistance for project preparation. It does so by facilitating:
- Climate risk assessment and studies for the development of disaster warning, monitoring and alert systems.
- Preparation of relevant studies for projects and identification of environm...
Dates: Dec/2021 - Dec/2026 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Belize, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama

This project aimed to build the capacities of Brazil’s Minas Gerais Development Bank (BDMG) in its efforts to finance projects with a positive impact on post-covid 19 economic recovery. This project came together in a context where the pandemic exacerbated short term social and economic tensions, as well as structural environmental and climate tensions. In Brazil, federated states-owned banks played a relevant counter-cyclical role throughout the pandemic. In Minas Gerais (MG), the BDMG was particularly involved in the financing of emergency-response-related sectors and economic recovery policies.
To that end, the EU invested € 3 175 000 (out of a total of € 74 175 000, together with AFD). The LACIF grant feeded the purpose of providing partial financing, through grants and/or green investment projects to BDMG’s most vulnerable clients and all sectors with the highest climate/environmental and social co-benefits.
The main objective of the project was to fac...
Dates: Dec/2021 - Dec/2023 | Status: CLOSED | Countries: Brazil

This project aims to upgrade and enhance the capacities of three Cuban public health institutions, namely the Institute of Nephrology, the Pedro Kouri Institute and the National Hygiene Epidemiology and Microbiology Institute, by contributing to the upgrading of their equipment and material, and by providing support to the COVID-19 outbreak. The project specifically contributes to fill the gaps in terms of medicine shortage and allows for better anticipation and preparation for health crises while enhancing national capacities fot infectious diseases diagnosis, control and surveillance.
The project is built onto the following components:
- Upgrading the country’s nephrology services
- Reinforcement of diagnostic and surveillance capabilities and research on infectious deseases in Cuba
- Development of health and environmental testing and analysis capabilities
- LACIF supports this AFD-led project which is designed to h...
Dates: Oct/2021 - Oct/2026 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Cuba

On September 1st, 2019, The Bahamas was impacted by category 5 Hurricane Dorian, the strongest on record for the country. According to the Damage and Loss Assessment (DALA), Dorian damaged 54% of the total infrastructure of the country’s power sector.
Through LACIF, the EU joined forces with IDB to support The Bahamas government in its rehabilitation of critical energy infrastructure and restoration of electricity service in islands heavily affected by hurricane Dorian, while integrating renewable energy.
In order to build the capacities of The Bahamas government to become more resilient to climate change and extreme weather events, the project invests a total of 81.000.000 euros in resilient infrastructure, stronger environmental protection, and renewable energy as a cleaner and cheaper energy source.
The project is declined into the main following 3 components:
- Immediate Rehabilitation to Introduce More Resilient and Renewable Energy Infrastructure i...
Dates: Oct/2021 - Mar/2026 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Bahamas

The main purpose of this project is to mitigate the immediate impacts of the COVID-19 epidemic on the Dominican Republic and to reinforce the country’s capacities in terms of resilience, preparedness and response to crises through the enhancement of its health and social policies while at the same time promoting Good Governance principles. This is be done through the strengthening of the country’s health surveillance system and the development of social protection measures, with a particular focus on women's empowerment.
The project led by AFD includes two components: the development of rapid responses and long-term public policies to support the healthcare system, the social protection sector and the economy, and the implementation of technical assistance and equipment investments to support the development of the measures mentioned above.
Dates: Jun/2021 - Jun/2025 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Dominican Republic

Costa Rica has set out to implement a very ambitious National Plan for Decarbonization 2018-2050 (Plan Nacional de Decarbonización, PND). In order to assist Costa Rica in achieving its carbon neutrality objectives, the EU -through LACIF- partnered with AFD and the National Bank of Costa Rica (BNCR) and decided to dedicate a total of 68.410.000 euros to this aim.
This project aims at catalysing the financing of the low carbon transition in Costa Rica. This is achieved via the mobilisation of the banking sector; by promoting investments and key infrastructures in priority areas for sustainable socio-economic development including SMEs, private sector development, e-mobility, energy, water and environment with a focus on climate change mitigation and adaptation.
More specifically, the project strives to support electric mobility schemes though a dedicated technical assistance, given that the transport sector is the main source of CO2 emission in the country.
The proj...
Dates: Apr/2021 - Oct/2025 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Costa Rica

LAGREEN is the first green bonds fund dedicated to Latin America. Its main purpose is twofold: to finance climate- and resource-friendly investments and to mobilise local and international private capital towards the issuance of more green bonds in Latin America.
LACIF is partnering with KfW to achieve the following objectives:
- to mobilise additional funding for Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) implementation;
- to push local capital market development towards a transition to sustainable finance – thereby fostering transparency and long-term commitments in financial and economic activity;
- to reach a substantial greenhouse gas emissions mitigation and/or climate change adaption impact.
Dates: Dec/2020 - Dec/2035 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Dominican Republic, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru

The objective of the program is to improve the infrastructure and institutional capability of beneficiary municipalities to help both migrants and their host communities through the implementation of performance-based management systems.
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) loan operation contributes to improve fiscal and urban sustainability in 5 metropolitan areas through investments in institutional strengthening and infrastructure. The complementary LACIF grant enhances this objective by strengthening the capacity of Colombian metropolitan areas that receive Venezuelan migrants to integrate newcomers effectively. Moreover, the Korean Poverty Reduction Fund (KPRF) also provides grants to design an integrated migrant assistance model (MAM) based on baseline and diagnostic studies of existing management systems utilized by subnational governments to support migrant integration.
Specifically, the program finances the consolidation of single-window system...
Dates: Nov/2020 - Jun/2025 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Colombia

Ecuador is a highly urbanised country, with more than 70% of the population living in cities as a result of migration from rural areas.
In a bid to curb down the impact of rural migration, LACIF and AECID have decided to invest over 113 million euros on improving the living conditions of the rural population of the Portoviejo Canton (Ecuador). They aim to do so by promoting the effective realisation of the human rights to water and sanitation of the rural population of the Portoviejo Canton.
More concretely, the project makes population’s access to safe drinking water and sanitation facilities both better and more sustainable. The project also strengthens the operationalization and maintenance of the water and sanitation facilities.
...Dates: Nov/2020 - Dec/2027 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Ecuador

The project seeks to alleviate the pressure on the reference hospitals in Kingston from the large, underserved populations in three parishes of the country’s interior. It promotes the construction, remodelling, and expansion and provision of medical equipment for ten health centres in the catchment areas of the hospitals. It also helps the government in the development and implementation of policies to combat non-communicable diseases (NCDs) as well as to strengthen priority health care services’ networks (three hospitals and associated health centres).
The main objective of the IDB-led operation is to improve the health of Jamaica’s population. The specific objectives are:
1. To reduce the burden of NCDs through the support for prevention policies;
2. To improve access to health services.
Dates: Nov/2020 - Mar/2027 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Jamaica

LACIF and IDB finance capacity building and studies for the development of renewable photovoltaic solar energy projects and energy efficiency measures in public buildings and in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Barbados.
The programme is structured into three components:
(i) pre-investment studies and implementation of renewable energy and energy efficiency in SMEs,
(ii) pre-investment studies and implementation of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects using performance based contracts through private energy service providers to the public sector and,
(iii) Capacity building and institutional support for the management of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects and performance based contracts.
The objective of this project is to reduce Barbados’s dependency on imported fossil fuels through the increased use of renewable energy and energy effi...
Dates: Nov/2020 - Apr/2026 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Barbados

The TIF Program has a three-pillar framework (financial, social and environmental, known as Triple Bottom Line) and a twofold objective: downscaling financial services -being more inclusive and tackling the bottom of the pyramid- and promoting climate-smart finance.
The TIF Program, led by COFIDES, aims at bringing together the tools, actors and financing necessary to improve access to finance for low-income populations whilst reducing climate risk and vulnerability, especially in the case of smallholder farmers. More specifically, this initiative seeks to reduce climate risk in lending portfolios of Financial Service Providers and scaling up climate-smart lending, especially to urban and rural micro, medium and small-sized enterprises with no or limited access to the formal financial sector, including also small to medium and smallholder farmers.
TIF provides support to Financial Service Providers serving MSMEs through the provision of long-term loans (Debt Facili...
Dates: Oct/2020 - Oct/2025 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru
Basic Sanitation Programme for Rural Communities in the state of CEARA: Adaptation to Climate Change

LACIF and KfW contribute to the achievement of the Brazilian goal of universalization of basic water and sanitation services and to socially-inclusive development in the rural areas of one of the states of Brazil with the lowest income, Ceará. Ceará has an estimated population of 9.0 million, 4% of Brazil’s total population, and shares only 2% of national GDP. It is is located in a semi-arid region where high average temperatures, low precipitation and recurrent droughts are characteristic, and where water and sanitation infrastructure is insufficient. Only one third of the households in rural areas have access to safe and piped drinking water.
The program’s overall objective is to strengthen the resilience of the rural population towards water scarcity, and improve access to drinking water, sanitation and sewage treatment. For this, the program will strengthen the capacities of the SISARs (the local operating companies – Integrated Rural Sanitation Systems) and commun...
Dates: Jun/2020 - Jun/2026 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Brazil

This programme seeks to support the Dominican authorities at both local and national levels in their engagement in transformational actions for a more sustainable urban mobility. It supports the transport institution, INTRANT, to implement the National Urban Mobility Policy (NUMP), as well as the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) elaborated for the city of Santo Domingo in the framework of MobiliseYourCity (MYC) initiative. It also measures their impact in terms of greenhouse gas emissions reduction and reports the mitigation outcomes.
The AFD-led programme provides the necessary support through technical assistance (capacity building, training, project preparation studies) and investments (in equipment or infrastructure for pilot projects) in order to foster the implementation of some critical measures of the short- and medium-term Action Plan of these mobility strategies.
Dates: Jun/2020 - Dec/2026 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Dominican Republic

The aim of the Facility is to establish a strategic partnership between the European Commission, AECID and other LACIF-assessed financial institutions, to channel the Commission’s resources towards the identification and design of projects aimed at increasing the sustainability and resilience of cities in Latin America. The strategic Facility finances project identification activities and the different steps leading to the design of comprehensive investment projects, capacity building activities and knowledge management, to build up bankable projects.
Dates: Dec/2019 - Dec/2025 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Peru

The objective of this AFD-led project is to improve island-wide the quality and efficiency of the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (Instituto Nacional de Recursos Hidráulicos - INRH) water and wastewater services and to increase the resilience to extreme climate events (hurricanes, droughts) of this entity, its associated companies, and, thereby, of the population as a whole. On the one hand, the project rehabilitates the Cuban infrastructure affected by Hurricane Irma in 2017, and on the other, it strengthens the capacities of the companies in charge of the operation and maintenance of these services.
Dates: Dec/2019 - Dec/2025 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Cuba

LACIF supports AECID and IDB in the achievement of the objective of this project, which is to achieve socio-economic development of the rural population of Panama by expanding access to sustainable energy and strengthening the planning and managerial capacities of the Office of Rural Electrification (OER), which structures, reviews, implements and supervises rural electrification projects in the country.
The project invests in photovoltaic installations and mini-grids connection and benefits homes, schools, health centers, public spaces and microbusinesses in the indigenous region of Ngäbe Buglé, the one with the least energy coverage in the country (4%) and where 28,000 homes still do not have access to it.
This initiative gives particular relevance to the empowerment of women and includes a school for women leaders and training activities in the productive use of energy and social entrepreneurship.
...Dates: Dec/2019 - Aug/2026 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Panama

This project consolidates the ongoing means to offer an increased access to affordable yet formally certified “sustainable” quality social housing by ensuring the transfer of the interest rate subsidy to the final beneficiaries; introducing new and more stringent sustainability criteria in the Mivivienda Verde Program; incorporating green criteria in mainstream operations of the Fund Mivivienda Verde (FMV); developing and, if possible, introducing urban planning measures; reducing the environmental impact and the vulnerability of the current Peruvian development path (ex. reduction in CO2 emissions and in electricity and water consumption, evolutions in the banking sector aiming at better taking into account environmental and social risks). LACIF works in partnership with AFD and KfW to deliver 10 500 sustainable social houses.
Dates: Oct/2019 - Oct/2025 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Peru

The National Sustainable Urban Transport Program aims to improve sustainable urban mobility by supporting the reform of public urban transport in Peru's main cities. The project was designed in close cooperation with the Ministry of Transport and Communication of Peru and it assists local goverments in the planning, implementation and mangement of their plans, contributing to efficiency and quality of urban transport and thus reducing carbon emissions. Urban transport will also increase its competitiveness and productivity by reducing transportation time which improves the quality of life of Peruvians.
The LACIF contribution to this project implememented by KfW and AFD co-finances the Technical Assistance component to support central and local governments and to develop a pipeline of feasible and bankable projects and strengthen capacities of local institutions. In particular, it includes the following components:
- Implementation of the Urban Transport Au...
Dates: Sep/2019 - Dec/2027 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Peru

This project aims at supporting the identification and financing of investments in agriculture, livestock breeding and agroforestry and at underpinning their implementation in order to promote sustainable practices based on agroecological principles while mainstreaming climate change mitigation and adaptation into the agriculture and livestock sectors.
LACIF and AFD aim to:
Dates: Jan/2019 - Jan/2027 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Cuba

The Agriculture Competitiveness Programme aims to improve animal health, plant health, food safety, agricultural research and technology transfer services. The programme is executed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (LVV) of Suriname.
The main objective of this programme is to address critical activities to strengthen the capacity of the LVV in agricultural innovation and animal and plant health services. The EU, through LACIF, and IDB support the government of Suriname in one of the activities of the programme, that is to complete the physical infrastructure of the Cluster Laboratory of the LVV. Once completed, the Cluster Laboratory will provide its research and technology transfer functions in support of other sub-components of the programme and to the LVV as a whole.
Dates: Dec/2018 - Jun/2025 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Suriname

The Seed Capital Risk Financing component for the Dinamica initiative addresses the bottlenecks identified in the Central American region, specifically regarding the accessibility of new and innovative enterprises to finance solutions in order to start their operations, be consolidated and grow.
The project, implemented by KfW and CABEI, provides vital start capital as contingent grants which is complemented by technical assistance for capacity building to Financial Intermediaries and MSMEs.
By doing this, the component contributes to developing entrepreneurship and innovation and is therefore an ideal complement to the DINAMICA I initiative. The project promotes equitable socio-economic development and stimulates employment in the private sector.
...Dates: Dec/2018 - Dec/2027 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama

The objective of this project is to support the reconstruction of infrastructures damaged by hurricane Matthew in October 2016 and flash floods in November 2017. The project focuses on the four provinces identified by the Dominican Republic Government as the most affected by these catastrophic events, namely Monte Cristi, Puerto Plata, Espaillat and Duarte. The project involves the restoration or new construction of social and basic infrastructures, such as roads, bridges, hydraulics, housing and urban infrastructure. The interventions are prioritized according to their social impact and contributions to restore livelihoods, reduce vulnerability and enhance resilience to climate change-related disasters.
The EIB-managed project focuses on climate change resilience and includes a substantial element of risk prevention for future natural disasters (floods, tropical storms, earthquakes), with a particular emphasis on climate risks, including areas of preventive hydraulics, ...
Dates: Dec/2018 - Dec/2024 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Dominican Republic

The Green MSMEs lnitiative aims at reducing carbon emissions in the Central American Region by ensuring the provision of financial and non-financial services to support renewable power generation and energy efficiency measures in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. In order to do so, the lnitiative contains three main components:
- Technical Assistance for MSMEs as well as Participating Financial lntermediaries,
- Partial Risk Guarantees for MSMEs,
- Financing (loans) for Environmental lnvestments for MSMEs.
This lnitiative represents a continuation of the "Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy programme for SME in Central America". The mentioned Program was successfully implemented and the achievements and lessons learnt constituted the basis for this Initiative implemented by KfW and CABEI.
...Dates: Dec/2018 - Dec/2034 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama

Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay are shareholders of Fonplata, a regional multilateral financial institution established to foster inclusive development within the River Plata Basin and surrounding regions. The project had the objective of supporting multi-sector initiatives centered on climate mitigation and adaptation, in sectors such as the provision of basic services in rural and urban areas, urban renewal, and improvement of climate change resilience in the Basin. The target of this EIB-led initiative were small-sized projects with a focus on social deprivation and climate resilience.
LACIF contributed with technical assistance to support Fonplata in improving its policies and procedures in areas identified as priorities. The main focus of this support was to upgrade environmental and social safeguards in line with EU standards.
Dates: Dec/2018 - Dec/2024 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay

The project consisted of the construction, extension, rehabilitation and equipment of 21 Technical and Technological Institutes (TTIs), classified at the post-secondary level of education. The project was included in the national educational reform programme aimed at introducing and enlarging the dual system of vocational, technical and professional education in Ecuador. This dual system is based on modules of formal instruction in classrooms combined with training on the job through apprenticeships with private companies. The project was led by EIB and counted with support from LACIF and the World Bank.
Dates: Nov/2018 - Nov/2026 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Ecuador

The project was meant to be a pilot operation of European cooperation to support the peace process in Colombia through a common initiative led by AFD to boost investment in post-conflict municipalities.
The operation was the result of discussions with the Colombian Financial Corporation for the Territorial Development S.A (FINDETER) and the experience accumulated through the first LACIF program with FINDETER I. The operation was meant to offer a credit facility to finance territorial development in post-conflict areas. The programme should have provided technical assistance and investments in priority areas selected by the Colombian government through the local Development Programs with a Territorial Focus (PDET - Programas de Desarrollo con Enfoque Territorial). However, AFD and Findeter were not in capacity to implement any activities as the COVID crisis became a priority for the Colombian Government.
...Dates: Nov/2018 - Dec/2021 | Status: CLOSED | Countries: Colombia

LACIF and EIB support the implementation of an integrated waste management system for the collection, treatment and disposal of municipal solid waste generated in the province of Jujuy, Argentina. The integrated management system is phasing out the dumping of untreated waste, by recovering both energy and material through anaerobic digestion and a better recycling performance.
At the same time, the program is ensuring that targeted municipalities develop and implement specific integrated waste management policies, create jobs related to waste treatment, optimize waste collection and have adequate disposal facilities.
Dates: Dec/2017 - Jun/2025 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Argentina

This project aims at expanding and improving access to water and sanitation services for more than 200 000 people while enhancing sector governance in Bolivia. Furthermore, national policy for integrated water resources management is strengthened, reducing the impact of climate change on the most vulnerable segments of Bolivian society.
LACIF funds contribute to this initiative, which is implemented by AECID with the support of the IDB, by: carrying out quality and design studies, including essential aspects in the management of water resources,
- carrying out comprehensive master plans for water, sanitation and urban drainage,
- integrating water cycle management into urban planification schemes,
- building capacity in key urban institutions,
- making key improvements in water and sanitation services (energy efficiency, leak control, commercial management, operation and maintenance, user awareness and civil society invol...
Dates: Dec/2017 - Dec/2025 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Bolivia

This project consists of a multisector framework loan provided by the EIB to finance reconstruction of small-scale infrastructure damaged by the earthquake of 16 April 2016 in the province of Manabí, particularly in the city of Portoviejo, which was the most affected. The socioeconomic level of the province is lower than the national level and poverty and extreme poverty are 31.3% and 6.3% of the total population, compared to 25.8% and 5.7% at national level.
The technical assistance provided by LACIF to complement the loan supports national and local authorities to ensure the effective and transparent execution of the project, the development and implementation of an Environmental and Social Management Plan and a Stakeholders’ Engagement Plan, and the strengthening and enforcement of Ecuador’s Building Code (2015).
Dates: Dec/2017 - Dec/2025 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Ecuador

This Energy Management and Efficiency Programme (EMEP) promotes energy efficiency and conservation to free public funds through lower government bills and reduced oil imports, helping the government of Jamaica to further reduce its debt and create the fiscal space for productive spending whilst also contributing to greenhouse gas emissions’ reduction.
LACIF and IDB's objectives are:
- to reduce electricity consumption within government facilities;
- to decrease fuel consumption through improved traffic control management;
- to increase institutional capacity to promote and supervise electricity planning in Jamaica.
Dates: Dec/2017 - Mar/2025 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Jamaica

Surface water is abundant in Suriname but many wells rely on confined aquifers that do not get recharged. As a consequence, resource quality is declining and these aquifers will be able to produce for the next 15 years at most. A progressive change towards more sustainable resources is required.
The objective of this project is to expand and reinforce the public operator for urban water supply systems in the coastal area of Suriname. LACIF supports AFD in the improvement of the existing water system in the urban areas of Greater Paramaribo and Moengo and its transition to sustainable resources and the expansion of the service perimeter to the whole coastal area, while ensuring its financial sustainability.
Dates: Nov/2017 - Aug/2025 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Suriname

The CDB-led programme aims at mobilizing suitable and adequate resources to support geothermal energy development in the Eastern Caribbean. Ultimately, the project aims at establishing a geothermal power plant that could potentially represent up to 60 megawatts (MW) of base-load power for the Small Island Developing States.
Dates: Nov/2017 - Nov/2025 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Dominica, Grenada, Saint-Vincent and the Grenadines, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia

This program aimed at financing priority wastewater projects in selected cities in Costa Rica. LACIF contributed to this KfW-led project with preparatory studies to close the significant information gap and allowed investments in improved wastewater infrastructure, including its rehabilitation, expansion and new construction in urban areas. The project improved environmental conditions and created positive impacts in public health. In particular, the LACIF contribution encompassed:
- 3 feasibiity studies and final designs for Sardinal-El Coco, Gran Puntaneras and Tamarindo
- Provision of consulting services or the launch of tenders for the investment phase of 7 projects that already had final desings
Dates: Jul/2017 - Dec/2023 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Costa Rica

The aim of the facility imlpemented by AFD is to finance activities such as feasibility or pre-feasibility studies relating to investment projects likely to be financed by International Financial Institutions in Cuba. The expertise provided can consist of specific sector support (in the field of energy, transport, water, etc.) or technical assistance in order to improve the compliance of the investment projects with international standards in environmental, social, gender or climate issues. Selected projects are agreed with the Cuban Government according to its priorities, in particular in the sectors of energy, water and sanitation, urban rehabilitation, agriculture and transportation, and are likely to be bankable. All projects have an expected positive contribution to the country’s adaptation to climate change or to the reduction of GHG emissions.
Dates: Jun/2017 - Jun/2024 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Cuba

The Fund is a joint initiative of investors intent on supporting the promotion of business and consumption practices that contribute to biodiversity conservation, the sustainable use of natural resources, climate change mitigation and adaptation to its impact. In providing financing to the Fund’s target group for investing in activities that conserve nature and foster biodiversity, the Fund seeks investments that yield both financial and environmental returns. The financing can be provided directly or through local financial institutions. In addition, final beneficiaries and local lending institutions can count on high impact technical assistance provided by the Development Facility. The project is led by KfW and managed by Finance in Motion.
Dates: Dec/2016 - Feb/2033 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru

The objective of the project was to improve the income of small and medium producers through the promotion of production based on rational and climate-smart use and management of natural resources, especially efficient irrigation. LACIF and AECID strengthened Ecuadorian national capacities in the design and management of parcel irrigation systems through the training of experts and irrigation professionals who contributed to the improvement and modernization of agricultural production systems, the efficient management of irrigation water, improved access to markets and the overall resilience of the Ecuadorian farming sector to climate change.
Dates: Dec/2016 - Aug/2023 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Ecuador

Ecuador’s PROSANEAMIENTO program aims to expand and improve access to basic water, sanitation and waste disposal services while strengthening the capacity of water and waste service providers. The LACIF contribution to the AFD-led program supports efforts to increase the sustainability of the 12 beneficiary municipalities and their public utilities, and to improve their management capacity in the preparation of pre-investment studies, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the program.
Dates: Dec/2016 - Jul/2025 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Ecuador

LACIF contributes to Bolivia’s first large-scale photovoltaic project, which is led by AFD. It entails the construction of a 50 MW photovoltaic (PV) power plant in the Altiplano region, in the highlands of western Bolivia, and its connection to the Bolivian national grid. The PV plant boosts electricity generation by approximately 100 GWh/year and contributes to the diversification of the Bolivian energy mix, reinforcing Bolivia's national strategy to develop renewable energies (wind and solar), which are expected to reach 70% of installed capacity in 2025.
Dates: Dec/2016 - Oct/2025 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Bolivia

LACIF and AFD assist the Government of Colombia in its policy shift to a more social and greener economy in order to improve the revenues and livelihoods of the population, notably in the Orinoquia basin and more generally in Colombia, while reducing their vulnerability and mitigating their contribution to climate change. The project supports the “Green Growth” strategy, which strengthens the capacities of local authorities and stakeholders in the Departments of Meta and Vichada in the formulation and development of their planning instruments to develop investments, always taking into account climate change impacts and mitigation opportunities. It also promotes investment in "climate-smart" activities in farming and forestry through adapted land-use management.
Dates: Dec/2016 - Jun/2025 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Colombia

This project aimed to support Peru’s main financial instrument for agriculture, Agrobanco, to fulfil its mission of developing the country’s sustainable agriculture. This project was designed against a backdrop where more than a third of the Peruvian population lives in rural areas and 50% of its revenues come from agriculture, a very vulnerable sector to climate change (drought, flood, Nino and Nina phenomenon, etc.). Agricultural techniques in Peru cause deforestation and considerable degradation. In addition, the use of irrigated water is not effective due to leaks and overwatering and does not thus encourage water savings.
Through LACIF, the EU offered a contribution of 5 325 000 euros to support Agrobanco in mainstreaming climate change mitigation and adaptation in the agricultural sector in Peru.
The LACIF contribution to this project managed by AFD financed:
I) A Technical Assistance program to increase Agrobanco's...
Dates: Jul/2016 - Jul/2021 | Status: CLOSED | Countries: Peru

The Western Corridor is part of the main road network of Honduras and it is integrated into the International Mesoamerican Road Network. This corridor connects the second biggest city of the country, San Pedro Sula, in the north-western part of the country with the international border crossings with Guatemala and El Salvador, and with the Mayan ruins of Copán. LACIF supported EIB and CABEI in this project that comprised the rehabilitation and upgrading and road safety improvements of the Western Corridor.
Dates: Dec/2015 - Jan/2023 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Honduras

LACIF's action was embedded in the "Cities with a Future" program, launched by CAF with the suport of AFD, to accompany policies for sustainable urban development in Latin America and to promote an integrated, multi-sectoral approach to urban development in order to better answer the challenges faced by local governments. The Program helped structure a dialogue with the cities on four main issues: inclusive urban development, productive transformation, environmental sustainability and institutional strengthening and security. In the framework of the Program, the first step towards implementation included technical assistance (diagnosis and priorities) financed through a grant, leading to investments as a second step. The action had two components: a credit facility and technical assistance.
Dates: Dec/2015 - Sep/2023 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru

The Programme for the Rehabilitation of Distribution Networks and the Reduction of Electrical Losses implemented by the CDEEE (Corporation of Dominican State Electricity Companies) and led by EIB seeked to progressively reduce technical and non-technical energy losses in electricity distribution companies.
The objective of this programme was to contribute to the sustainability of the power sector by strengthening the national electricity company’s operational procedures and corporate performance, and by improving the sustainability of rural electricity supply. This intervention contributed to reduce generation costs, review the tariff structure, assess options for power generation using low-carbon technologies and improve access to sustainable energy.
Dates: Oct/2015 - Oct/2023 | Status: CLOSED | Countries: Dominican Republic

The objective of this project is to reinforce the efficiency and technical and financial sustainability of the National Institute of Potable Water and Sewage System (INAPA) and the Santiago’s Water and Sewage Corporation (CORAASAN). LACIF and AFD seek to enhance the efficiency of the water services and reduce the discharge of wastewater into the environment in Dominican Republic.
This project contributes to the investment programmes in the water and sanitation sector made by INAPA, active in rural and peri-urban areas, and CORAASAN, active in the city and in the province of Santiago, reinforcing their efficiency and sustainability at the same time. The project includes investments in water and sanitation infrastructure, capacity building and technical support to ensure quality, efficiency, and sustainability of services.
Dates: Oct/2015 - Oct/2027 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Dominican Republic

The project aimed to promote and finance new sustainable infrastructure projects in the Caribbean region in the sectors of energy, transport, water and sanitation and climate change mitigation. It also seeked to reinforce the national implementing agencies for the seeding and follow-up of new projects, specifically to create a pipeline of quality projects within the borrowing member countries from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB). LACIF supported AFD in this initiative to enhance CDB, a strategic partner in the Caribbean region.
Dates: Oct/2015 - Dec/2024 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Grenada, Jamaica, Saint-Vincent and the Grenadines, St Lucia, Suriname

The project seeks to rehabilitate the most deteriorated segment of one of Belize's main highways, the George Price Highway (GPH), up to national standards and to preserve it through adequate maintenance while improving and guaranteeing road connectivity between the Northern, Southern and Central Regions of Belize as well as enhancing physical connectivity with Central America and Mexico. The GPH is included in the International Network of Mesoamerican Roads (RICAM), which is recognized as important for physical regional integration and the progressive implementation of a Partial-Scope Agreement with Guatemala (2010) and other trade agreements with Honduras and El Salvador.
This project implemented by IDB aims to reduce transport costs and the road's vulnerability to flooding and other natural hazards, thereby increasing its resilience to climate change. Another objective of the project is to reduce road fatalities by increasing road user safety, ensuring adequate signaling, bu...
Dates: Jun/2015 - Jun/2024 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Belize

The objective of this programme is to reduce participating countries’ dependency on imported fossil fuels by displacing their use in electricity generation with economically viable investments in renewable energy (on the supply side) and energy efficiency (on the demand side). The programme, implemented by CDB, provides funding for investments for renewable energy and energy efficiency as well as technical assistance for institutional strengthening, capacity building and project support.
Dates: Jun/2015 - Jun/2025 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Saint-Vincent and the Grenadines, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia

The objective of this IDB-led project is to contribute to the sustainability of the power sector by strengthening the National Electricity Company’s operational procedures and corporate performance, and by improving the sustainability of rural electricity supply. This intervention contributes to the reduction of generation costs, the review of the current tariff structure, the assessment of options for power generation using low carbon technologies and the improvement of access to sustainable energy.
The project is part of the National strategy to design and implement a Sustainable Energy Framework and LACIF finances in particular the installation of solar photovoltaic systems and the required power distribution grid in 10 different locations of the Upper Suriname river basin, in the Sipaliwini district.
Dates: Jun/2015 - Jun/2025 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Suriname

This project connects several communities of the Department of Potosí with the rest of the country through the construction of a 188.3 km section of a single carriageway road, improving the living conditions of local communities, unlocking large and remote areas and spurring economic development through trade (particularly of agricultural products), improving access to markets and the mobility of people as well as boosting tourism. Likewise, the project, which is implemented by EIB in partnership with CAF, contributes to regional integration by improving access to neighboring countries (Chile, Argentina, Paraguay), with the prospect of increasing Bolivian exports to these countries and further developing the local tourism sector.
Dates: Dec/2014 - Dec/2021 | Status: STOPPED | Countries: Bolivia

The Geothermal Development Facility for Latin America aims at overcoming existing barriers to the development of geothermal energy by providing: (i) a tailored Geothermal Risk Mitigation Fund in order to diminish geothermal resource risk during the exploratory drilling stage of the project; (ii) geothermal investment financing windows to deliver anchor financing for subsequent investments during the production drilling and construction stages; and (iii) a Technical Assistance Forum to offer a suitable venue for policy dialogue between donors and partner governments. The project is led by KfW and counts with the support from the European Union through LACIF, and from BMZ.
Dates: Dec/2014 - Dec/2026 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru

The overall objective of the project was to improve the competitiveness of the productive sector and the livelihoods of the Paraguayan population, through greater security of supply and efficient use of the available sources of renewable electricity. This included access to affordable electricity for the most vulnerable population.
LACIF supported EIB, CAF and IDB in this project, which involved the construction of a 500 kV, 363 km-long high-voltage transmission line linking the Yacyretá hydroelectric plant with the capital, Asunción, and the reduction of energy losses by replacing electro-mechanical meters that were defective, burnt, or did not measure correctly and by providing informal settlements, social tariff beneficiaries and low-income residential customers with electronic meters and connections.
Dates: Dec/2014 - Dec/2020 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Paraguay

LACIF and IDB reinforced the safety and reliability of the Guyana Power and Light, Inc. (GPL) electricity distribution system. To do so, this project financed infrastructure specifically focused on the reduction of electricity losses, deployed a strong Corporate Development Program (CDP) to manage GPL’s operations and implement solutions to GPL’s longstanding problems, and improved quality of service through:
- the rehabilitation of the existing distribution network and associated equipment as part of a strategic loss reduction programme and;
- the strengthening of GPL, contributing to the enhancement of its corporate capacities, which helped achieve the performance targets for GPL.
Dates: Jul/2014 - Sep/2021 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Guyana

This IDB-led programme improved the water and sanitation services in three selected locations outside Guyana’s capital and in the capital, Georgetown, through infrastructure rehabilitation interventions to the water supply network and the upgrade of 1,000 pit latrines into efficient septic tanks.
The Water Treatment and Supply Infrastructure Improvement Programme (WTSIIP) contributed to increasing the portion of Guyana’s population with access to quality water and sanitation services.
Dates: Jul/2014 - Jun/2022 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Guyana

The program sought sustainable investments and practices in agriculture, fisheries and forestry sectors, which helped improve the quality of life of rural populations, especially in low-income regions, and optimize the use of natural resources while mainstreaming climate change mitigation and adaptation in the sector. LACIF, AFD and IDB supported a Mexican public agriculture development bank, FIRA, with financing, investment grants and technical assistance to provide concessional loans for pilot green rural investments as well as long-term financing in the field of mitigation and adaptation of climate change in rural activities.
...Dates: Jun/2014 - Apr/2024 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Mexico

LACIF and KfW provided support to the Government of Chile through this project in its transformation efforts towards a low carbon energy sector, which involved decoupling economic growth from Green House Gas emissions. The Program's activities comprised the financing and complementary technical assistance of concentrated solar power (CSP) plants as well as large-scale photovoltaic projects in Chile. One of the main components of the Program was to enable the construction of the first CSP power plant in South America with a targeted capacity of 110 MW.
Dates: Dec/2013 - Jun/2022 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Chile

The LACIF contribution to this AECID-led initiative aims to improve water and sewerage infrastructures and contribute to reducing the risk of diseases caused by deficient water management in the Latin American region through the development of various projects. These are grouped into two components: Component I, projects for adaptation to climate change (ACC) and Component II, projects for the integrated management of water resources.
The projects include the reinforcement of capacities associated with the programs; studies developed in the pre-investment phase to identify new investments in new actions; review of regulations and the development of methodologies, tools and manuals which have an impact on future investments.
Dates: Dec/2013 - Dec/2024 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela

The project aimed to improve public health as well as the environment and water resource situation in the Lima Metropolitan area by extending the water and sewerage systems to the new urban settlements in the north of Lima as well as the waste-water treatment, while setting an example of efficient reutilization of treated waste-water for urban irrigation in the service area of SEDAPAL, Lima´s water utility. LACIF worked in partnership with KfW and IDB to improve water supply in the Peruvian capital city.
Dates: Dec/2013 - Dec/2017 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Peru

The vision of this program was the enhancement of public investment in energy-efficient and clean technology mass transportation systems in large Latin American cities, to meet the growing demand for public transportation — especially of the most vulnerable population — while helping to mitigate its environmental impact. LACIF, together with KfW and CAF, provided funds to prepare pre-financing studies, to complement existing studies and to facilitate investment for the improvement of urban transportation systems.
Dates: Dec/2013 - Dec/2019 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Panama, Peru

DINAMICA focused on promoting entrepreneurial and private sector development for employment and income generation in order to contribute to economic development and poverty reduction in Central America. More specifically, the project, which was led by KfW and implemented by CABEI, aimed at:
- Promoting the entrepreneurial environment in order to facilitate the creation of new and innovative enterprises;
- Supporting financial sector development in order to provide adequate access to finance for MSMEs.
Dates: Dec/2013 - Sep/2022 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama

LACIF, AFD and CAF supported the development of the Colombian National Policy for the Integrated Management of Water Resources, especially by monitoring the implementation of its 'Hydrological Plan for the 2014 Horizon' and thorugh direct investments in the water sector. Moreover, the project contributed to the protection of the environment, through the improvement of the quality of water resources; and it also increased the water supply, reducing conflicts related to water among the local population.
Dates: Oct/2013 - Apr/2021 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Colombia

The project aimed to modernize and extend the high and medium voltage network of the Power Distribution Company of Rio Grande do Sul (CEEE-D) in order to provide a good quality and reliable power distribution service and to improve the managerial capacities of CEEE-D through the upgrading of their information, financial and control systems.
The project, which was implemented by AFD in partnership with IDB, had 5 components:
1. Investments in the high voltage power distribution system; 2. Renewal of high voltage distribution equipment and modernization of the control system; 3. Upgrade of the information and control system; 4. Technical Assistance for the implementation of the Enterprise Resource Planning and of the New Commercial Management System; 5. Enhanced financial steering of investments.
Dates: Sep/2013 - Oct/2017 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Brazil

LACIF, in partnership with AFD and IDB, supported Financial Corporation for the Territorial Development S.A - FINDETER (Financiera de Desarrollo Territorial S.A.) in its mandate to contribute to the implementation of sustainable public policies and of the 2010-2014 Colombian National Development Plan, which included support for the development of sustainable urban areas.
The action fostered and enhanced investments in Colombian urban areas, working from a local perspective to achieve sustainability in the selected regions.
Dates: Sep/2013 - Oct/2017 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Colombia

The objective of this project was to support the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica’s policy for the development of geothermal resources. In particular, it significantly increased the knowledge of the geothermal potential in Wotten Waven, allowing for a rapid start of an initial small power production aimed at the local market, preparing the concession to exploit this reservoir and monitoring the concessionaire’s operations initial investments.
The AFD-led project meant the final step towards the materialization of the potentially largest geothermal power plant in the Caribbean with an overall cost estimated at EUR 500 – 600 million. Besides its sheer size, its impact will be local, regional and global. The product will be highly beneficial to Dominica's economy as well as to the one of Guadeloupe and Martinique. It will bring major benefits in terms of climate change mitigation by substituting fossil fuel-based energy production for clean renewable energy. It ...
Dates: Mar/2013 - Sep/2023 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Dominica

The objective of the program was to facilitate and improve public and private investments in water and sanitation infrastructure, thus contributing to a higher coverage of regional infrastructure demand through environmental and/or climate-relevant solutions. LACIF contributed together with KfW and CAF to carry out complementary studies (e.g. preparation of project profiles, knowledge management, training), support the creation of new and innovative companies and strengthen the financial sector at the service of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.
Dates: Dec/2012 - Oct/2022 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Brazil, Ecuador, Uruguay

The PISASH Program was the first phase of the PROGRAMA VIDA (LIFE PROGRAM) in urban areas. The program enhanced the effective management of water resources and provided capacity building to Empresa Nicaragüense de Acueductos y Alcantarillados Sanitarios (ENACAL) in its investment program. LACIF funded the construction works in the cities of Santo Tomás, Acoyapa, Bilwi and Bluefields, complementing AECID funds in the coverage of water and sanitation needs of these cities. The program had three components:
- Component 1 - Construction and repair of drinking water and sanitation systems in Nicaraguan cities
- Component 2 - Institutional management strengthening
- Component 3 - Preparation of Phase II of the LIFE Program
Dates: Dec/2012 - Apr/2022 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Nicaragua

This was an initiative led by KfW and CAF to support sustainable and climate-friendly development and transformation of defined sectors in Latin America through the implementation of performance-based greenhouse gas mitigation activities. The Performace Based Climate Finance Facility was aimed at implementing pilot schemes that led to monitored and verified CO2 equivalent emission reductions and contributed to the overall objective of limiting global warming; designing innovative incentive schemes for sector reform which were linked to achieved emission reductions (performance-based approach); supporting development of showcases for the definition of sector/sub-sector baselines and implementation of robust MRV (monitoring/reporting/verification) systems; supporting the creation of suitable institutional set-ups for the implementation of performance-based sectoral approaches and building the capacities needed within participating institutions for the implementation of mitigation acti...
Dates: Dec/2012 - Nov/2023 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Colombia, Ecuador

The EcoCasa Programme aimed at contributing to the efforts of the Mexican government in reducing greenhouse gas emissions related to the housing sector.
The housing sector represents one of the most important untapped potential for energy efficiency in Mexico. During the last decades, urban expansion was insufficiently planned, which resulted in increased energy demand, infrastructure deficits, and inefficient transport patterns. The non-sustainable development pattern of Mexican cities has also aggravated the contribution of the housing sector to global climate change.
To support the Mexican government in promoting energy efficiency in the Mexican housing sector, the European Union, through LACIF, provided a combination of economic incentives and technical assistance to support the planning and implementation of energy efficient homes that generate less greenhouse gas emissions.
In this context, LACIF supported the KfW-led EcoCasa Programme, the world's first Nati...
Dates: Dec/2012 - Sep/2021 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Mexico

The overall objective of the project was to improve rural road infrastructure in El Salvador, to enable continuous traffic, giving priority to those areas that have potential for productive development in order to reverse the conditions that affect rural poverty and low economic activity in those areas. The project also strengthened the institutional capabilities of rural road management and was managed by AECID and IDB.
Dates: Dec/2011 - Jun/2017 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: El Salvador

LACIF supported AFD and CAF in this program whose goal was to increase knowledge of urban development and transport in the region, by identifying new sources of financing for public transport projects (public-private partnerships, land valuation, etc.); identifying the regulatory obstacles to innovative transport projects and the way to surmount them; highlighting the potential of local communities to carry out this type of projects; and making it possible to define the technical and financial contours of specific projects in targeted cities (master plans and prefeasibility studies), thus promoting the emergence and implementation of public transport projects in the region.
Dates: Oct/2011 - Apr/2017 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay

The objective of the project was to meet the growing demand for electricity among the Salvadorian population (estimated at approximately 5% per year) through increased generation of renewable energy. In particular, the project, implemented by KfW in partnership with CABEI, focused on the construction of a second powerhouse, installation of turbines using the existing dam and reservoir, a new access channel to the reservoir, a new water intake and two forced pipelines. The new installation enables the geenration of energy using excess water from the spillway in the rainy months.
Dates: Sep/2011 - Jan/2019 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: El Salvador

This program was aimed at financing investments in renewable energy and environmental protection projects in Latin America. To complement the investment funding of KfW, the EU granted technical assistance funds through LACIF to carry out studies that fostered innovative technologies and projects in the sector with the aim of converting them into potential investment projects for CAF. These included feasibility studies and renewable energy potential assessments for Latin American countries, among other climate change projects and initiatives.
Dates: Mar/2011 - Feb/2021 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay

LACIF, in partnership with AFD and IDB, aimed at strengthening technical and institutional capacity to respond to climate change at a local level through this project, reducing pressure on watershed forests through the promotion of sustainable development, including the reconversion of productive and agricultural activities and community forestry; and developing and implementing a mechanism for access to international carbon finance (REDD+), in line with the national strategy, in two vulnerable Mexican regions.
The project was successfully completed and contributed to the creation and development of six inter-municipal associations to promote and finance sustainable rural development, tackling deforestation and improving water resources management (REDD+ actions with climate change impact).
Dates: Dec/2010 - Dec/2015 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Mexico

The objective of the PNESER project was to support the efforts of the Nicaraguan government to reduce poverty by promoting access to an efficient and sustainable electricity service to an important portion of the population, thus generating the conditions to advance in the diversification of the energy matrix and the mitigation and adaptation to climate change.
The program, implemented by EIB, included 7 components:
Dates: Nov/2010 - Nov/2016 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Nicaragua

The overall objective of the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Program for SMEs in Central America was to contribute to the protection of the climate and the environment. LACIF supported KfW and CABEI at providing efficient and sustainable access to financing products for environmental investments which correspond to the needs of SMEs in Central America. The Program had two main components:
1) Financing of environmental investments – Provision of funds by the Program Executing Agency, CABEI, to local financial institutions that channel resources to SMEs for energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy projects.
2) Technical Assistance, studies and promotional activities – Including technical assistance for financial institutions, energy audits of SMEs and feasibility studies of small renewable energy projects; information material and promotional events.
Dates: Nov/2010 - Dec/2016 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua