Peru urban mobility support facility
The National Sustainable Urban Transport Program aims to improve sustainable urban mobility by supporting the reform of public urban transport in Peru's main cities. The project was designed in close cooperation with the Ministry of Transport and Communication of Peru and it assists local goverments in the planning, implementation and mangement of their plans, contributing to efficiency and quality of urban transport and thus reducing carbon emissions. Urban transport will also increase its competitiveness and productivity by reducing transportation time which improves the quality of life of Peruvians.
The LACIF contribution to this project implememented by KfW and AFD co-finances the Technical Assistance component to support central and local governments and to develop a pipeline of feasible and bankable projects and strengthen capacities of local institutions. In particular, it includes the following components:
- Implementation of the Urban Transport Authority for Lima and Callao
- Elaboration of urban mobility or transport plans for Chiclayo, Chimbote and Guancaya
- Pre-investment studies: pre-selected cities include Chiclayo, Arequipa, Trujillo, Piura and Cusco
- Complementary studies, for instance on economic models for public transportation or land seizure compensation schemes.
Reduction of carbon and other polluting emissions, travel time, transport costs and traffic casualties. The project enhances competition and the quality of life in Peru's urban areas.