Implement integrated health networks to respond to the needs imposed by the COVID 19 pandemic and improve access for vulnerable populations and migrants/displaced persons in Peru
Technical Assistance
The COVID-19 pandemic brought to light how fragile the health system in Peru is. Large and sudden inflows of Venezuelan migrants/displaced persons in recent years reinforced the pressure on Peru’s health system, ill-adapted to challenges caused by the demographic and epidemiological transition and increased non-communicable diseases.
In the framework of LACIF, the EU has partnered up with AFD, AECID and IDB, through a contribution of 7.392.000 euros, to improve the offer of health care facilities in Lima Norte (Peru). The project provides better access to essential health services by the most vulnerable segments of the population, including migrants/displaced persons and refugees.
To achieve this, the project is divided into three main components:
- (i) Improving the quality of healthcare provided by the public health facilities in San Martin de Porres.
- (ii) Improving planning and coordination of care at the Integrated Health Network Service level.
- (iii) Improving access of Peru's most vulnerable populations, including migrants/displaced persons, to essential health services in San Martin de Porres and ensure full exercise of their right to health.
The project is expected to achieve the following:
- More tests to diagnose cancer, with check-ups for both men and women.
- Better and more accessible healthcare services, with timely prehospital care and shorter wait times.
- More effective healthcare networks in treating chronic patients (with an emphasis on the treatment of diabetic and hypertensive patients)
- More voluntary blood donations; and
- A higher level of user satisfaction, due to better care received and shorter wait times.