Technical Assistance
The EcoCasa Programme aimed at contributing to the efforts of the Mexican government in reducing greenhouse gas emissions related to the housing sector.
The housing sector represents one of the most important untapped potential for energy efficiency in Mexico. During the last decades, urban expansion was insufficiently planned, which resulted in increased energy demand, infrastructure deficits, and inefficient transport patterns. The non-sustainable development pattern of Mexican cities has also aggravated the contribution of the housing sector to global climate change.
To support the Mexican government in promoting energy efficiency in the Mexican housing sector, the European Union, through LACIF, provided a combination of economic incentives and technical assistance to support the planning and implementation of energy efficient homes that generate less greenhouse gas emissions.
In this context, LACIF supported the KfW-led EcoCasa Programme, the world's first National Appropriate Mitigation Action ('NAMA') in the sector – the Mexican NAMA for Sustainable New Housing. Together with KfW and IDB, LACIF funding contributed to achieving this untapped emission reduction potential of the Mexican housing sector.
By increasing the production of low-carbon housing and the provision of mortgages for low-carbon housing, the Programme:
- Reduced energy consumption in Mexican households;
- Reduced the energy-related costs of Mexican households;
- Improved the living conditions of Mexican households.
More specifically, the programme achieved the following:
- 1,700 green mortgages conceded;
- 840 houses built;
- 1.03 million tC02e reduction.

Inversiones en ciudades
LAIF ha contribuido financieramente con 14 proyectos que contribuyen al desarrollo sostenibles de ciudades de Bolivia, Colombia, Perú, Nicaragua, Argentina, México y Ecuador.
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