As part of the EU’s obligation to be accountable both to European taxpayers and EU partner countries, the visibility of EU-funded initiatives must be assured. Information such as delivery of financial support, donor coordination and aid effectiveness must be made available. Overall, visibility actions related to blending should aim to:

  • ensure that all relevant stakeholders are informed about blending operations;
  • enhance linkages between EU-funded projects and regional, national and sector strategies;
  • increase the attractiveness of blending to bilateral donors, private investors and other potential partners as a way to leverage additional financing;
  • boost the overall public profile of the EU in the international community.

For each project financed by LACIF, a communication plan will be prepared by the lead financial institution, in coordination with the EU Delegation at the country level as well as with Project partners wherever relevant, allowing their involvement at key stages of the project having visibility potential.
Specific visibility provisions are included in the Delegation Agreement to be signed between the European Commission and the lead financial institution. For more information read: Chapter 7 (Visibility) and Annex 8 (Sample delegation agreement) of the Guidelines on EU blending operations.


    These Guidelines reflect a shift from communication and visibility budgets and activities in individual projects/programmes to a more strategic approach in cases where the EU has agreed that partners implement communication activities. It is intended for partners implementing EU-funded external actions under the “Neighbourhood and the World” heading of the EU budget 2021-2027.

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