Improved sanitation for people and the environment in Costa Rica
This program aimed at financing priority wastewater projects in selected cities in Costa Rica. LACIF contributed to this KfW-led project with preparatory studies to close the significant information gap and allowed investments in improved wastewater infrastructure, including its rehabilitation, expansion and new construction in urban areas. The project improved environmental conditions and created positive impacts in public health. In particular, the LACIF contribution encompassed:
- 3 feasibiity studies and final designs for Sardinal-El Coco, Gran Puntaneras and Tamarindo
- Provision of consulting services or the launch of tenders for the investment phase of 7 projects that already had final desings
- Preparatory studies and final design documentation.
New or rehabilitated sewer pipes: 169 km.
Wastewater treatment capacity: 59 900 m3/d.
Population benefiting from improved sanitation services: 49 900 households.
Wastewater treated: 162 600 population equivalent.