Linking REDD+ mechanism with local implementation, the forest component of the Special Climate Change Programme of Mexico (PECC)
LACIF, in partnership with AFD and IDB, aimed at strengthening technical and institutional capacity to respond to climate change at a local level through this project, reducing pressure on watershed forests through the promotion of sustainable development, including the reconversion of productive and agricultural activities and community forestry; and developing and implementing a mechanism for access to international carbon finance (REDD+), in line with the national strategy, in two vulnerable Mexican regions.
The project was successfully completed and contributed to the creation and development of six inter-municipal associations to promote and finance sustainable rural development, tackling deforestation and improving water resources management (REDD+ actions with climate change impact).
- Creation and consolidation of six inter-municipal associations covering five river basins, eleven Ramsar sites and protected natural areas, as well as the bio-cultural reserve of Puuc.
- Institutional agreements among these associations and federal ministries to coordinate public programs in this field.
- Development and implementation of local REDD+ land strategies to mitigate deforestation and forest degradation.
- Development of municipal action plans to combat climate change.
- Pilot local REDD+ projects for sustainable forest management.
- Development of participative investment programs for emissions reduction.