Support to the health, social and economic response to the crisis related to COVID-19 in Dominican Republic
Technical Assistance
The main purpose of this project is to mitigate the immediate impacts of the COVID-19 epidemic on the Dominican Republic and to reinforce the country’s capacities in terms of resilience, preparedness and response to crises through the enhancement of its health and social policies while at the same time promoting Good Governance principles. This is be done through the strengthening of the country’s health surveillance system and the development of social protection measures, with a particular focus on women's empowerment.
The project led by AFD includes two components: the development of rapid responses and long-term public policies to support the healthcare system, the social protection sector and the economy, and the implementation of technical assistance and equipment investments to support the development of the measures mentioned above.
- Provision of equipment and technical capacity for the health system to enhance epidemiological surveillance and respond promptly and effectively to public health risks and public health emergencies.
- Improved equipment for social protection to contribute to more resilient livelihoods of households and individuals in the long-term.
- Social programs and institutions able to anticipate, respond and recover from adverse impacts of economic, health, epidemiologic, or natural disasters.