Sustainable Transport Networks in Latin America
LACIF supported AFD and CAF in this program whose goal was to increase knowledge of urban development and transport in the region, by identifying new sources of financing for public transport projects (public-private partnerships, land valuation, etc.); identifying the regulatory obstacles to innovative transport projects and the way to surmount them; highlighting the potential of local communities to carry out this type of projects; and making it possible to define the technical and financial contours of specific projects in targeted cities (master plans and prefeasibility studies), thus promoting the emergence and implementation of public transport projects in the region.
- Sixteen transport studies were finalized with LACIF funding: 10 studies are integrated mobility strategies and plans or prefeasibility studies for certain cities in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia and Peru; the other 6 are related to general issues regarding innovative urban transport with a regional scope.

Creación y captura de valor para el desarrollo de proyectos de transporte

Desafíos para la integración de sistemas de transporte masivo: Manual de Buenas Prácticas

Fortalecimiento institucional y técnico de las áreas metropolitanas en América Latina

Medidas de gestión de la demanda de transporte en ciudades de América Latina

Esquemas de implantación de tecnologías inteligentes de transporte en América Latina: estado actual y avances en el ámbito urbano

Plan integral de modos no motorizados y espacio público de Montería

Plan integral de movilidad no motorizada y espacio público para Valledupar

Diseño e implementación de sistemas de transporte por cable para comunidades de difícil acceso