
Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay are shareholders of Fonplata, a regional multilateral financial institution established to foster inclusive development within the River Plata Basin and surrounding regions. The project had the objective of supporting multi-sector initiatives centered on climate mitigation and adaptation, in sectors such as the provision of basic services in rural and urban areas, urban renewal, and improvement of climate change resilience in the Basin. The target of this EIB-led initiative were small-sized projects with a focus on social deprivation and climate resilience.
LACIF contributed with technical assistance to support Fonplata in improving its policies and procedures in areas identified as priorities. The main focus of this support was to upgrade environmental and social safeguards in line with EU standards.
Dates: Dec/2018 - Dec/2024 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay

The LACIF contribution to this AECID-led initiative aims to improve water and sewerage infrastructures and contribute to reducing the risk of diseases caused by deficient water management in the Latin American region through the development of various projects. These are grouped into two components: Component I, projects for adaptation to climate change (ACC) and Component II, projects for the integrated management of water resources.
The projects include the reinforcement of capacities associated with the programs; studies developed in the pre-investment phase to identify new investments in new actions; review of regulations and the development of methodologies, tools and manuals which have an impact on future investments.
Dates: Dec/2013 - Dec/2024 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela

The objective of the program was to facilitate and improve public and private investments in water and sanitation infrastructure, thus contributing to a higher coverage of regional infrastructure demand through environmental and/or climate-relevant solutions. LACIF contributed together with KfW and CAF to carry out complementary studies (e.g. preparation of project profiles, knowledge management, training), support the creation of new and innovative companies and strengthen the financial sector at the service of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.
Dates: Dec/2012 - Oct/2022 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Brazil, Ecuador, Uruguay

LACIF supported AFD and CAF in this program whose goal was to increase knowledge of urban development and transport in the region, by identifying new sources of financing for public transport projects (public-private partnerships, land valuation, etc.); identifying the regulatory obstacles to innovative transport projects and the way to surmount them; highlighting the potential of local communities to carry out this type of projects; and making it possible to define the technical and financial contours of specific projects in targeted cities (master plans and prefeasibility studies), thus promoting the emergence and implementation of public transport projects in the region.
Dates: Oct/2011 - Apr/2017 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay

This program was aimed at financing investments in renewable energy and environmental protection projects in Latin America. To complement the investment funding of KfW, the EU granted technical assistance funds through LACIF to carry out studies that fostered innovative technologies and projects in the sector with the aim of converting them into potential investment projects for CAF. These included feasibility studies and renewable energy potential assessments for Latin American countries, among other climate change projects and initiatives.
Dates: Mar/2011 - Feb/2021 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay