Support Project for the Finlay Institute of Vaccines (FIV) for the Production of Meningitis Vaccines

The project, implemented in partnership with AFD and KfW, aims to improve the quality standards of Cuba's Finlay Vaccine Institute (FVI) production and increase its production capacities, including vaccines against meningitis (meningococcal and pneumococcal) with a focus on the carbon footprint of vaccines manufacturing.
This action improves the number, availability and accessibility of FVI vaccines to meet national demand, but also the needs of low and middle-income countries in Latin America and the Caribbean and third regions, notably via multilateral channels as WHO, PAHO and UNICEF, thus strengthening Cuban and Latin America health security in order to limit the impact of future major health crisis.
The project also contributes to the modernization of the biotechnology sector to increase liquidities in foreign currency and support investment in Cuba to secure economic growth and foster decent employment opportunities for the Cuban population. This support will also ...
Dates: Jul/2024 - Jul/2027 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Cuba

This project aims to upgrade and enhance the capacities of three Cuban public health institutions, namely the Institute of Nephrology, the Pedro Kouri Institute and the National Hygiene Epidemiology and Microbiology Institute, by contributing to the upgrading of their equipment and material, and by providing support to the COVID-19 outbreak. The project specifically contributes to fill the gaps in terms of medicine shortage and allows for better anticipation and preparation for health crises while enhancing national capacities fot infectious diseases diagnosis, control and surveillance.
The project is built onto the following components:
- Upgrading the country’s nephrology services
- Reinforcement of diagnostic and surveillance capabilities and research on infectious deseases in Cuba
- Development of health and environmental testing and analysis capabilities
- LACIF supports this AFD-led project which is designed to h...
Dates: Oct/2021 - Oct/2026 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Cuba

The objective of this AFD-led project is to improve island-wide the quality and efficiency of the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (Instituto Nacional de Recursos Hidráulicos - INRH) water and wastewater services and to increase the resilience to extreme climate events (hurricanes, droughts) of this entity, its associated companies, and, thereby, of the population as a whole. On the one hand, the project rehabilitates the Cuban infrastructure affected by Hurricane Irma in 2017, and on the other, it strengthens the capacities of the companies in charge of the operation and maintenance of these services.
Dates: Dec/2019 - Dec/2025 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Cuba

This project aims at supporting the identification and financing of investments in agriculture, livestock breeding and agroforestry and at underpinning their implementation in order to promote sustainable practices based on agroecological principles while mainstreaming climate change mitigation and adaptation into the agriculture and livestock sectors.
LACIF and AFD aim to:
Dates: Jan/2019 - Jan/2027 | Status: ONGOING | Countries: Cuba

The aim of the facility imlpemented by AFD is to finance activities such as feasibility or pre-feasibility studies relating to investment projects likely to be financed by International Financial Institutions in Cuba. The expertise provided can consist of specific sector support (in the field of energy, transport, water, etc.) or technical assistance in order to improve the compliance of the investment projects with international standards in environmental, social, gender or climate issues. Selected projects are agreed with the Cuban Government according to its priorities, in particular in the sectors of energy, water and sanitation, urban rehabilitation, agriculture and transportation, and are likely to be bankable. All projects have an expected positive contribution to the country’s adaptation to climate change or to the reduction of GHG emissions.
Dates: Jun/2017 - Jun/2024 | Status: COMPLETED | Countries: Cuba