
The project aims to scale up the market for green finance in the Caribbean, helping the region’s economies transition to a more sustainable mode of operation aligned with the Global Gateway Investment Agenda.

The Facility supports small scale climate action and environmental sustainability investments, promoted primarily by MSMEs, and intermediated by public sector development banks or bodies and micro-finance institutions.

Those MSME-relevant green investments include (but are not limited to) energy efficiency improvements, integrated renewable energy and energy-efficient solutions such as solar control films, cool roofs, solar PV rooftop installations, LED lighting retrofits in commercial buildings, hotels, restaurant or other tourist establishments, wind and solar renewable power, eligible activities to turn Sargassum algae into an economic opportunity, and other projects contributing to GHG emission reduction and environmental sustainability.

The LACIF-financ...

Sector: Support to SMEs    |   Projected total investment size: € 240 500 000    |   EU contribution: € 7 392 000
Dates: Dec/2024 - Dec/2032    |   Status: ONGOING    |   Countries: Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint-Vincent and the Grenadines, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago

Paramaribo’s historic center was designated by the UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 2002. Developed during the 16th and 17th centuries, it is considered an exceptional example of the fusion of European and indigenous South American culture, architecture, and construction techniques. This concentration of historical and cultural heritage buildings, monuments, and urban sites endows the area with the potential to lead the city’s sustainable development.

However, the iconic site is in urgent need of protection against increased flooding caused by climate change. Flooding from the Suriname river occurs as sea level rises during spring tide, during tropical storms, and by the rainfall-induced accumulation of water. The frequency as well as the intensity and extent of flooding are expected to considerably increase, and the economic losses associated with a single flooding event with a 100-year return period are estimated at US$ 125 million. The reconstruction of a 220-meter-lo...

Sector: Urban development    |   Projected total investment size: € 21 103 601    |   EU contribution: € 2 843 601
Dates: Apr/2024 - Apr/2026    |   Status: ONGOING    |   Countries: Suriname

The project aims to support the Caribbean region in its adaptation to climate change and its low carbon transition through the integration of climate-risks in the financial systems regulation and supervision activities and the financing of climate public investments. This project implemented by AFD:

Supports three of the main central banks of the Caribbean region (the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank, the Bank of Jamaica and the Central Bank of Dominican Republic) to integrate climate-related risks in their regulation and supervision activities. Activities are based on the actions promoted by the Network for Greening the Financial System.

Supports the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) to promote the financing of adaptation and mitigation investments with a gender lens. Some of the pre-identified activities within CDB are:

  • Establishment of a regional gender research fund to support CDB’s gender strategy;            
  • Establis...
Sector: Banking and financial services    |   Projected total investment size: € 53 390 000    |   EU contribution: € 6 150 000
Dates: Dec/2023 - Dec/2028    |   Status: ONGOING    |   Countries: Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint-Vincent and the Grenadines, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago

This programme addresses the multitude of challenges faced by the water sector in the Caribbean, including the lack of asset management strategies, lack of adequate maintenance, high energy costs, inadequate waste-water treatment capacity and lack of water storage capacity. Climate change is also leading to extreme weather events and unpredictable water availability in the region, while pollution and over-fishing also affect the health of many of its ocean ecosystems which need to be tackled in a comprehensive manner.

EU and EIB are investing in security of water supply, wastewater collection and treatment, storm-water management and solid waste management, which contributes to water resources conservation, disaster risk reduction and protection of biodiversity.

Sector: Water supply & sanitation    |   Projected total investment size: € 400 850 000    |   EU contribution: € 17 350 000
Dates: Jul/2022 - Jan/2030    |   Status: ONGOING    |   Countries: Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint-Vincent and the Grenadines, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, Suriname, Trinidad & Tobago

The Agriculture Competitiveness Programme aims to improve animal health, plant health, food safety, agricultural research and technology transfer services. The programme is executed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (LVV) of Suriname.

The main objective of this programme is to address critical activities to strengthen the capacity of the LVV in agricultural innovation and animal and plant health services. The EU, through LACIF, and IDB support the government of Suriname in one of the activities of the programme, that is to complete the physical infrastructure of the Cluster Laboratory of the LVV. Once completed, the Cluster Laboratory will provide its research and technology transfer functions in support of other sub-components of the programme and to the LVV as a whole.

Sector: Sustainable agriculture    |   Projected total investment size: € 16 350 000    |   EU contribution: € 2 350 000
Dates: Dec/2018 - Jun/2025    |   Status: ONGOING    |   Countries: Suriname

Surface water is abundant in Suriname but many wells rely on confined aquifers that do not get recharged. As a consequence, resource quality is declining and these aquifers will be able to produce for the next 15 years at most. A progressive change towards more sustainable resources is required. 

The objective of this project is to expand and reinforce the public operator for urban water supply systems in the coastal area of Suriname. LACIF supports AFD in the improvement of the existing water system in the urban areas of Greater Paramaribo and Moengo and its transition to sustainable resources and the expansion of the service perimeter to the whole coastal area, while ensuring its financial sustainability. 

Sector: Water supply & sanitation    |   Projected total investment size: € 30 710 000    |   EU contribution: € 3 210 000
Dates: Nov/2017 - Aug/2025    |   Status: ONGOING    |   Countries: Suriname

The project aimed to promote and finance new sustainable infrastructure projects in the Caribbean region in the sectors of energy, transport, water and sanitation and climate change mitigation. It also seeked to reinforce the national implementing agencies for the seeding and follow-up of new projects, specifically to create a pipeline of quality projects within the borrowing member countries from the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB). LACIF supported AFD in this initiative to enhance CDB, a strategic partner in the Caribbean region.

Sector: Reconstruction Relief & Rehabilitation    |   Projected total investment size: € 33 150 000    |   EU contribution: € 3 150 000
Dates: Oct/2015 - Dec/2024    |   Status: COMPLETED    |   Countries: Grenada, Jamaica, Saint-Vincent and the Grenadines, St Lucia, Suriname

The objective of this IDB-led project is to contribute to the sustainability of the power sector by strengthening the National Electricity Company’s operational procedures and corporate performance, and by improving the sustainability of rural electricity supply. This intervention contributes to the reduction of generation costs, the review of the current tariff structure, the assessment of options for power generation using low carbon technologies and the improvement of access to sustainable energy.  

The project is part of the National strategy to design and implement a Sustainable Energy Framework and LACIF finances in particular the installation of solar photovoltaic systems and the required power distribution grid in 10 different locations of the Upper Suriname river basin, in the Sipaliwini district. 

    Sector: Sustainable energy    |   Projected total investment size: € 30 592 892    |   EU contribution: € 5 200 000
    Dates: Jun/2015 - Jun/2025    |   Status: ONGOING    |   Countries: Suriname