UNEP FI: webinars and online trainings

The sustainable finance training services are part of the effort to fulfil UNEP FI's mission to "identify, promote and adopt environmental and sustainability best practices at all levels of financial institutions' operations".
The primary objective of UNEP FI's training services is to raise awareness and build capacity in sustainable finance among UNEP FI Signatories and other financial institutions, as well as other relevant stakeholders, such as government, academia and others, especially in developing countries and emerging markets.
Trainings and their links:
- 1. Environmental and Social Risk Analysis (ESRA): https://www.unepfi.org/onlinetraining/index.php
- 2. Climate Change and TCFD: Risks and Opportunities for the Banking Sector:https://www.unepfi.org/onlinetraining/climate/
- 3. Corporate Eco-efficiency in financial institutions: https://www.unepfi.org/training/capacitacion/spanish/
- 4. Green housing finance - Contact: gracia.barahona@ecobankingproject.org
- 5. Diploma in sustainable finance - Finis Terrae University: https://postgrados.uft.cl/programas/facultad-de-economia-y-negocios/diplomado-en-finanzas-sostenibles/
- 6. How are banks progressing in the implementation of the principles of Responsible Banking? : https://www.unepfi.org/events/webinar-sobre-los-principios-de-banca-responsable/
- 7. Sustainable finance for credit unions in Panama: https://www.unepfi.org/events/series-of-training-webinars-for-credit-saving-cooperatives-of-panama/
- 8. Circular economy financing: https://www.unepfi.org/events/serie-de-webinars-sobre-economia-circular/
- 9. Green, social and sustainable bonds in Latin America and the Caribbean: https://www.unepfi.org/events/serie-de-capacitaciones-en-bonos-verdes-sociales-y-sostenibles/
- 10. How sustainable finance continues to advance in Latin America and the Caribbean? https://www.unepfi.org/events/serie-de-capacitaciones-en-bonos-verdes-sociales-y-sostenibles/
Contact: Carolina Yazmín López - carolina.lopez@un.org
More information: https://www.unepfi.org/training/capacitacion/