Online course on climate change and TCFD

UNEP FI. Since 2007, UNEP FI has offered an Online Course on "Climate Change: Risks and Opportunities for the Financial Sector".
As understanding among financial institutions of the risks and opportunities imposed by climate change becomes more nuanced and sophisticated, and given the recent emergence of corresponding assessment and disclosure logics, first and foremost those supported by the 2017 recommendations of the Financial Stability Board Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), there is now a need for new climate change training tailored to the financial services sector.
In response, UNEP FI, with the support of CAF - Development Bank of Latin America - and Fund, has developed a second generation training platform. It aims to prepare financial institutions to conduct TCFD-responsive assessments and disclosures, and builds on the ground-breaking work of UNEP FI's pilot groups on TCFD adoption.
The course has recently been updated thanks to the support of CAF and Fund. The following topics, among others, have been included:
- New part on the UNEP FI TCFD phase 2 pilot.
- New section on transition risk mapping.
- New evolving climate regulation.
- Mapping of best practices in physical risk assessment.
- New section on land use with reference to IPCC 2019.
- New relevant material on pandemic and the physical environment, pandemic impacts on markets and energy policy.
Courses in 2022:
March 28 to April 16 | English | David Carlin
May 16 to June 3 | Spanish | Frederico Seifert and Gustavo Portaluppi
June 13 to July 1st | French | Ilyès Abdeljaouad
10 to 28 October | English | Paul Smith
7 to 25 November | Spanish | Frederico Seifert and Gustavo Portaluppi
Target audience: Executives and middle management staff of banks and financial regulators (Central Banks, Superintendencies of Banks, etc.) from both developed and developing regions. Government and civil society representatives who wish to learn more about the financial risks and opportunities of climate change, and the assessment methods needed for the future, are also welcome.
Contents: The key areas addressed in this course are:
1. Climate change as a physical, meteorological phenomenon and the impacts of climate change, covering the basic science of climate change, including the latest scientific findings by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
2. Society's response to climate change as a policy-related political, economic and technological issue, covering the international climate change regime, its history and current discussions and challenges; as well as the main policy and technological responses to climate change at the national level.
3. Assessment of the credit risks and opportunities of physical climate change.
4. Assessing the credit risks and opportunities of the transition to the low-carbon economy.
Language: English, Spanish and French.
Duration: Three weeks.
Time: Average of 2 hours per day from Monday to Friday.
Schedule: Flexible - participants manage their own schedule according to their availability.
Language: Participants must be fluent in the language of the course they will be taking.
For further information:
Contact: Carolina Yazmín López