Entrepreneurship in Ecuador: Balanced feed plant for animals

Source AECID
In July 2019, 86 producers of the Píllaro Ramal Norte Irrigation System, based in the Tungurahua province, in Ecuador, began the implementation of the Balanced Feed Plant for Animals project.
After technical studies carried out and the creation of the Píllaro Industrial Production Cooperative (COOPINPI), the construction of the facility began and the manufacture of machinery and equipment for the processing of the animal feed.
This project was born out of the need of the producers of the territory, whose income comes mainly from trade and agricultural production, with dairy farming being one of the main items of economic importance in the canton and the province. So the objective of this entrepreneurship is to process and commercialize quality animal feed at an accessible price for the families of the territory, helping to improve the productivity and income of the families.
At first, the balanced feed production will focus on responding to cattle and poultry livestock production, with future projections of diversifying its offer and meeting other demands.
The complementary European Union contribution to the Technified Irrigation Project (PIT) for small and medium producers is executed through the Latin America Investment Facility (LAIF) as a partner to the PIT. LAIF finances the activities programmed around the following three areas of work: Demonstration Territories, the National School for Parcel Irrigation and Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Ecuador for implementation. The Spanish Cooperation in Ecuador manages this contribution, being Pillaro, one of the beneficiaries within the framework of the Demonstrative Territories work axis. The construction project for the Balanced Food Plant is soon to be concluded with the delivery and start-up of the plant.
Demonstration Territory Píllaro is a project articulated between the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Ecuador having as a partner the Central Ecuatoriana de Servicios Agrícolas (CESA), financed by the European Union through a Cooperation Agreement Delegated to the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) in Ecuador, from the LAIF - Latin America Investment Facility complementary to the Technified Irrigation Program (PIT).