CABEI presents results of the preliminary diagnostic and strategies of the Lake Yojoa Sustainable Recovery Program in Honduras

Article originally published on CABEI's website on 15/03/2024. LACIF contributes to the Climate change innovation project preparation fund through a technical assistance grant.
With the objective of publicizing the progress of the Sustainable Recovery Program for Lake Yojoa in Honduras, recently the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) presented the results of the comprehensive diagnostic of the current situation of this important wetland. This diagnostic will allow defining strategies for prioritizing mitigation actions and sustainable recovery of the Lake and its area of influence.
During the presentation, the main results of the diagnostic were highlighted, where polluting loads of industrial, agricultural, livestock, and urban origin are evident, as well as elements of climate variability, which are affecting the volume and quality of water in Lake Yojoa, and producing significant changes in the basin.
During the next few months, based on the diagnostic carried out, an investment proposal will be made in prioritized areas with the objective of improving the identified conditions and recovering one of the most important protected areas in Honduras.
The Lake Yojoa Sustainable Recovery Program is financed through a Technical Assistance to the Republic of Honduras for up to US$1,000,000 (one million dollars), with resources from the CABEI Climate Change Investment Project Preparation Fund (FCC) together with the European Union and KfW.