
The subordinated blue bond will contribute with the preservation of coastal ecosystems and the establishment of resilient water infrastructure.

The Fund has invested USD 15 million in Panama's Mercantil Banco S.A. This investment aims to support sustainable growth of agribusiness Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Panama by focusing on responsible use of natural resources and climate change adaptation.

In order to strengthen the business services provided by the Business Innovation and Development Center (CIDE) of the Universidad de Oriente (UNIVO), the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), through the DINAMICA II Initiative, which is financed by the Government of Germany, through the KfW, and the European Union, signed a Non-Reimbursable Technical Assistance Agreement for a total amount of US$58,000 with the university mentioned above.

Today, the innovation and commitment of three Panamanian companies were recognized as winners of the Regional Sustainable Mobility Contest promoted by the Green MSMEs II Initiative of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), the German Government, through the KfW, and the European Union.

COFIDES and Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Norandino (COOPAC Norandino) have signed an agreement for the implementation of a technical assistance project, within the Triple Inclusive Finance (TIF) Program, which will promote the digitalization of COOPAC Norandino's internal and external processe

Over 450 participants met from July 10th to July 12th to discuss sustainable agriculture, the transition to a green economy, the digitalization of businesses and sustainable development. This year's theme, "Transforming Our Future, Empowering Growth," underscored the event's commitment to progressive and sustainable economic strategies.

Image: Rodrigo Lobato. / Wikimedia Commons
The project, implemented in the largest tropical wetland in the world, contributes to water management and demonstrates the power of alliances between countries to protect a resource that transcends borders.

The Green MSMEs II Initiative held the awards ceremony for the Regional Contest for Sustainable Mobility in Guatemala, which highlighted innovative micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the transition to sustainable mobility.

With the objective of publicizing the progress of the Sustainable Recovery Program for Lake Yojoa in Honduras, recently the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) presented the results of the comprehensive diagnostic of the current situation of this important wetland.

According to UN Water, only 14% of wastewater was treated in Costa Rica as of 2018. The disposal of untreated water into water bodies or in septic tanks can cause groundwater contamination and public health problems.