
As part of the capacity building program for sustainable projects in the micro, small and medium enterprise (MSME) sector, promoted by the Green MSMEs II Initiative of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), the Government of Germany, through KfW and the European Union, in partnership with the INCAE Business School, 50 Central American businesswomen were trained to develop sustainable projects focused on small-scale renewable energy, cleaner production and energy efficiency.

The program "MiPymes Verdes: building capacities for sustainable projects" selected the 25 businesswomen who will move on to the second phase, in which they will formulate a green project within their organization to improve its environmental impact.

The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), as part of the DINAMICA II Initiative, which is being executed with financing from the German Government, through KfW, and the European Union, subscribed a non-reimbursable technical assistance agreement with the Association of Cayaguanca Municipalities for US$114,259.00.

On 2020 the entire planet was hit with the emergence and rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus, which according to WHO caused more than 15 million deaths in just two years and affected all countries in the world.

The Fund has extended a loan facility of up to USD 20 million to Banpais in Honduras. This investment aims to support sustainable growth of corporates and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in broadening its green portfolio. The facility will help the bank support primary producers engaged in agriculture, forestry, and aquaculture to integrate sustainability principles into their operations.

The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), within the framework of the DINAMICA II Initiative that is executed with financing from the Government of Germany, through KfW, and the European Union, signed a Non-Reimbursable Technical Assistance agreement with the Universidad Panamericana de El Salvador (UPAN), whose objective is to strengthen capacities to improve the products and services offered by the Business Development Center for Micro and Small Enterprises (CDMYPE) of this University.

ConectaxG has benefited from the participation of AECID through FONPRODE (€42M) together with a European Union allocation for technical assistance (€6.7M) that will be managed by COFIDES. The European Union's contribution will be made through its Latin America and Caribbean Investment Facility (LACIF).

COFIDES and Banco Apoyo Integral have signed an agreement for the implementation of a technical assistance project that will support the bank in its digitalization process and in the deepening of its green financial services with a gender focus within the Triple Inclusive Finance (TIF) Program.

The Regional Energy Congress (COREN 2024), supported by the Green MSME II Initiative of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), the Government of Germany, through KfW, and the European Union, will focus on advancing the energy transition, boosting industrial competitiveness, and promoting sustainability.

Climate Bonds Initiative, in collaboration with the LAGreen Fund, with the financial assistance of the European Union, announces the “Mexico Sustainable Debt State of the Market 2023” report. The launch of this report was made possible thanks to the collaboration and continued support of BIVA, which hosted the launch event.