Regional cooperation for the development of hydrometeorological observing systems
Hydrometeorological observation is a fundamental element both for the development of early warning systems and for the knowledge of the climate and its evolution, in order to establish adaptation measures and contribute to sustainable development.
This session will show the importance of observations in the value chain, the relevance of its sustainability and the integration of efforts on a global, national and local scale. A positive experience of regional cooperation will be presented, thanks to which the Central American Lightning Detection Network has been established, through which there is an advanced terrestrial remote sensing system deployed in all Central American countries, with a single system for processing information and with real-time availability of the information, essential for the establishment of Early Warning Systems in the Meteorological Services of the region. Finally, the challenges for the observing systems in the region will be presented and the opportunities offered by international cooperation to contribute to the sustainability of the observing systems will be presented.
This session is organized by the CIMHET Secretariat, held by the AEMET, together with the AECID Water and Sanitation Cooperation Fund.
60 minutes. Round table with rounds of questions or topics to be addressed directed from the moderation to each of the participants. During this session, the chat will remain open to the audience so that they can make their contributions in order to prepare the key messages for the Ibero-American Environmental Agenda.
Presentation and moderation
Natalia Gullón, Fondo de Cooperación para Agua y Saneamiento. Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID)
- Julián Báez, Director of the Regional Office for the Americas, World Meteorological Organization
- Jorge Tamayo, Coordinator of the Ibero-American Meteorological Cooperation Program, State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) / CIMHET
- Luz Graciela de Calzadilla, Director of Hydrometeorology of ETESA, Panamá
- Rodney Martinez, Representante para Norte América, Centroamérica y El Caribe, Organización Meteorológica Mundial
17:15-17:20 >> Presentation of the session and speakers. Natalia Gullón, Cooperation Fund for Water and Sanitation. Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID)
17:20-17:30 >> Importance of observation systems for the provision of information services. Julián Báez, Director of the WMO Regional Office for the Americas
17:30-17:50 >> Central American Electric Shock Detection Network as an example of regional cooperation
- Project features. Jorge Tamayo AEMET/CIMHET
- Network operation. Luz Graciela de Calzadilla Directora de Hidrometeorología de ETESA, Panamá
17:50-18:00 >> Challenges and opportunities for hydrometeorological observation systems in Latin America. Rodney Martínez, OMM
18:00-18:15 >> Q&A