October 09, 2024
Bogotá, Colombia - Hybrid

Latin American Circular Economy Festival 2024

This event, which will be held in hybrid and in-person formats, is established as the main meeting and exchange space for the Circular Economy Coalition of Latin America and the Caribbean. Its objective is to promote and celebrate the development of the circular economy in Latin America and the Caribbean, bringing together key actors and stakeholders both from the region and outside. The Festival seeks to generate exchanges to promote initiatives and synergies towards circularity.

More information on: https://coalicioneconomiacircular.org/events/festival-latinoamericano-de-economia-circular-2024/

Register at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfDCz75LYe6mmOSYmWAWXZj516a2gQsG_Xq90AowBf6vHbVUA/viewform