ALIDE 2020 General Assembly >> October 7, 9, 13 & 15
Building sustainable and resilient responses to the Covid-19 crisis –Latin America & the Caribbean
Towards a Global Summit of Development Banks
The Latin American Association of Development Banks (ALIDE), the InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB), the Development Bank of Minas Gerais (BDMG) and the International Development Finance Club (IDFC) has joined forces to organize a series of digital events to discuss, both at the technical and the strategic levels, the role of Latin American Development Institutions in the process of building resilient and sustainable responses to the Covid-19 crisis in the region. These digital events will take place in the context of ALIDE 2020 General Assembly and on the way of the Finance in Common Summit and will contribute to better position the Latin American Develop Institutions in the global Post-Covid development debate. The discussions will be focused on the role of DFI’s in the promotion of a sustainable and inclusive recovery in the region and will take the form of a public virtual webinars composed by keynote speakers and high-level panels.
Digital event 1: Wednesday, October 7th. 2020
Title: Development Dialogues - Promoting sustainable development in the post-Covid area: a multilateral perspective.
Objective: Present a global view of the impacts of the crisis, including risks and prospects for sustainable development. What have we learnt and what opportunities do we see for a climate and SGD-smart recovery from Covid-19?
Digital event 2: Friday, October 9th. 2020
Title: International experiences of responses from development and other financial institutions to the COVID-19 crisis.
Objective: Present international experiences in structuring financial and non-financial solutions as part of the financial response to the economic crisis post COVID-19.
Virtual Session Tuesday, October 13th. 2020
Title: ALIDE General Assembly.
Objective: Representatives of the ALIDE member institutions will discuss matters inherent to the Association, such as the Annual Report and Financial Statements, the 2020-2021 Work Program, the composition of the Executive Council, and the site of the 2021 General Assembly. A presentation will be made of the programs having won the 2020 ALIDE Prizes for good development banking practices.
Digital event 3 Thursday, October 15th. 2020
Title: Moving forward – Fostering a sustainable and inclusive recovery from COVID-19: National Developments Banks can and should take the lead
Objective: Highlight why and how National Development Banks can harness the opportunity offered by the recovery to financing structural transformation, helping to lay the foundations for an economic model that is conducive to inclusive and sustainable growth, in line with the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Discuss corresponding challenges and opportunities and what needs to change to make it happen.
Contact information: Marlene Zamora