
November 08, 2021

El estudio Índice de riesgo al cambio climático (IRCC) en la ciudad de Piura, en Perú, se desarrolló bajo la iniciativa LAIF sobre ciudades y cambio climático de la Unión Europea, cuyo objetivo es apoyar las acciones de mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático, y la...

November 08, 2021

A cidade de Fortaleza, a qual vem buscando preparar seu território para os desafios impostos pelas mudanças climáticas, levando em conta tanto os aspectos geográficos – dentre os quais, destaca-se o fato de ser uma cidade litorânea – como também seus atuais aspectos...

October 08, 2021

The EU finances private sector development through the Latin America...

September 20, 2021

All 74 projects funded by LAIF, and CIF are helping LAC countries strengthen the resilience of their economies, cities, and infrastructures, and are supporting nature protection. In addition, climate adaptation strategies form part of projects financing climate-smart...

September 20, 2021

The Latin America and Caribbean Investment Facilities (LAIF and CIF) invest in agricultural and non-agricultural activities in rural areas to promote rural employment, green production and infrastructure improvement. Both facilities promote innovation and investment in...

LAIF & CIF Operational Report

This report covers the operational activities of the Latin America Investment Facility (LAIF) and the Caribbean Investment Facility (CIF) in 2020. Both EU regional blending facilities use EU development funding to leverage additional investment from European and regional... Fund

The fund takes a comprehensive approach to conservation finance that involves not only improving the sustainability of individual practices, but also strengthening the systems that surround and enable these practices to generate deep, long-term impact, through activities...

LAIF CIF Operational Report 2019
October 06, 2020

This report covers the operational activities of the Latin America Investment Facility (LAIF) and the Caribbean Investment Facility (CIF) in 2019. Both EU regional blending facilities use EU development funding to leverage additional investment from European and regional... fund report 2019
Sowing Impact
July 21, 2020

In operation for six years now, the Fund continues to work towards making a positive impact on the environment for both people and the planet. Positive impact management is guided by a Theory of Change, which provides a detailed mapping of how the Informe de impacto 2018
Investing in impact on the ground
December 09, 2019

This report sets out the progress made since the fund's inception and the approach with which it seeks to make a real difference for the planet. The Fund seeks to generate long-term impact by providing financing and technical assistance that promote business...

September 24, 2020

September 24, 2020

September 23, 2020

September 19, 2020

September 19, 2020

September 19, 2020