Expansion and improvement of water supply, sewage, waste water treatment and reuse systems in Lima Metropolitan area
The project aimed to improve public health as well as the environment and water resource situation in the Lima Metropolitan area by extending the water and sewerage systems to the new urban settlements in the north of Lima as well as the waste-water treatment, while setting an example of efficient reutilization of treated waste-water for urban irrigation in the service area of SEDAPAL, Lima´s water utility. LACIF worked in partnership with KfW and IDB to improve water supply in the Peruvian capital city.
Operational and management capacities of SEDAPAL strengthened through:
Implementation of a trial and error learning process on practical and operational measures to be undertaken by SEDAPAL to enforce pre-treatment requirements and monitoring industrial discharges;
Development of the first draft of a long term and strategic Waste Water Master Plan for Lima Metropolitan Area.